Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I guess I have to confess to being a big fan of movies and particularly old ones. Which is often when I get the inspiration for some of the titles to my postings.

I might be unfair in that regard, but I honestly believe they did a far better job in the older movies picking out titles that were more memorable. Since they didn’t spend as much time making sequels back then I think the titles were a reflection in my opinion of their creativity.

In any event having expressed my opinion on that subject where the title of this posting came from, I was thinking mainly with this posting about schedules. Most of us have huge blocks of our time during a week set aside not for fun, but for chores such as work. So I think it conditions us to associate certain responses with certain experiences.

Such as if on a given day we have to say mow the lawn and we hate mowing the lawn then we get emotionally prepared to face that event long before it happens. Oh we might not always voice that reaction, but I think it is there just the same.

It is too bad that our schedules weren’t more blessed with pure joy. Wouldn’t it be great for example to look at the calendar and say “Oh boy,” next Tuesday is orgy night at the mall or wherever. Don’t sneer here or start venting about me being some kind of chauvinists. I just used that as an example off the top of my head. AND DON’T SAY, “OH YEAH, WHICH HEAD WAS THAT!” I don’t need any help from some jerk wanting to make smart ass remarks. I can manage that all by myself.

Still I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me my schedule normally involves way too many meetings with PEOPLE! Yeah, I’m a Mayor and I ought to cope. That might be easier if I had to meet with cool and beautiful people instead of the ones I have to endure.

Why can’t I have a meeting for example with a small group of hopeless lonely females in need of comforting? I wouldn’t object to helping them in their time of need.

Instead what I get is meetings with the concerned people. I hate to be cruel here, but most of the time in my city that primarily involves people who are sort of challenged in the looks department. I’m just making an observation here, but honestly where I live the ones that are the most inclined to pay attention to problems seem to be the ones without any social life.

If you could see some of them you would know that is no accident either. Not that I mind having to endure the meetings in some ways. I will give them credit for providing decent refreshments. I just get rather bored listening to them talk about how busy their lives are. Sometimes I’m tempted to say, “Hey let’s get real here. You’ve got the personality of a lump of dirt. Excitement is just not your talent. So let’s not try and pretend that reorganizing your sock drawer on a Saturday night is a great and fun way to spend your time!”

I won’t say it naturally. There are just too many of those folks I have to meet each week. Too many to risk pissing off. The boredom my spark a really scary form of revenge if I wasn’t careful.


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