Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I’ve heard of somebody mentioning a fine mess. Which to me is sort of a contradiction since I can’t think of any real mess that is fine in anyway. But I do appreciate how in many ways that is just an expression. It really isn’t intended to convey the idea that the mess is a good thing. More like it is a disaster that you are calmly dealing with in terms of quiet dignity and grace.

In my case though when I have a mess, I consider it to be a mess of a mess. Because generally I’m always plotting something when it goes sour it does it big time.

For me thus when you start out with something that is sneaking and underhanded or backstabbing you don’t get anything other than a mess if things go wrong. So naturally from my view it will never be fine no matter how I want to look at it.

With a mess you only can do one thing. That is clean it up. If we were talking about just a mistake you could say “OOPS” perhaps even sorry, but not so with something you intentionally were doing wrong. However that doesn’t work if you say I’m sorry because I was trying to steal you blind and mess up at it. There is no I’m sorry for trying to rip you off, just sorry you got caught.

Normally people don’t respond to that kind of being sorry with a lot of sympathy. Plus if they are a backstabbing person themselves you can count on them being even less understanding.

Still I am a realist. I know that no matter how well planned my effort or how brilliant I think the execution of the plan is there are times I appreciate something will go wrong.

So I have allowed myself to set up certain guidelines for general “housekeeping” in the event of a con that gets messy. But just in case the wrong people happen to be reading this posting and you know who you are I don’t think I’ll volunteer my precepts of surviving the dirt of my larceny.

I do wish I could get my guidelines published though. I’m sure it would be beneficial to aspiring crooked politicians just starting out. As long as they didn’t decide to come to my city I wouldn’t mind “sharing the wealth.”

It would be complicated though. I did try once to work it up as a manuscript. However it got to be a difficult write. Basically I had too many sections that I felt were “interesting,” but upon more reflections appreciated that I would have probably had to sum up some sections by merely taking the fifth.

Instead I just want to toss out the little feathers of inspiring thought that you too can with the right amount of effort savor the joy of delving into the mysteries of lying and cheating. As long as you are prepare naturally to find the right type of dustpan in terms of excuses so the mess won’t stink anymore than necessary. Here’s wishing you a messy journey in the land of cons.


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