Friday, December 30, 2005


Isn’t being “that close” the worst feeling in the world? To come so close to see a dream come true and then miss it is for me the most gut wrenching pisser you can have. Which is why I work so hard to avoid that kind of situation whenever possible. I know you can’t do it always, but I sure try.

Part of the problem from my point of view is with a person’s scale of conformity. By that I mean the more you build up your expectations for success the greater the disappointment if it doesn’t happen. And at the same time the more you build up the expectation the more often you get so caught up by it all that you aren’t careful about taking the necessary steps to be sure it really happens.

You see if you can resist keeping your head in the clouds (or shoved where the sun don’t shine) and apply some logic to this thing you will be able to make the leap from impossible dream to a slam dunk. I can say that and understand it, but it doesn’t mean I am any good at DOING it!

That doesn’t mean I don’t know any better. It is a struggle at times to try and exhale my fantasy and ask the tough questions. Like what kind of plan can I come up that will turn this fantasy into reality.

It is amazing at times how numbers sure can burst any bubble. When you sit down and plot a strategy like it was an offensive then you know the risks and the potential casualties (including one’s sanity!)

The only problem is that all of this kind of thing is purely boring. There isn’t much of a chance to dream when you strip yourself down from a house of delusion and look at the foundation of facts. It gets tough to ignore a crack in the foundation and paint over it with some dream or lie.

Still I know there is plenty of fantasy building going on. The construction signs can be seen so often in people’s eyes. And let me tell you a whole lot of them hung up those “under construction” signs without any building plans or building permits.

That is old and tragic case of what they call putting the cart before the horse. Or from my view it means worrying about greasing the wheels without giving thought to where you find a mangy plug cheap that will pull the dumb thing. Basically we’re talking about thinking with your moods instead of your brain.

As a politician that is a good thing to me. I mean I get lots of mileage as a Mayor by making promises base on everything, but the facts. And if I do it right the people will even be applauding me.

That part I love. I just don’t get as thrilled with I let myself buy into my own manure and then forget how much it really stinks. What can I say? Sanity? Good for planning, but not for dreaming and lying. Enough said?


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