Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Is there anybody out there that doesn’t want to feel loved? I doubt it. I didn’t say thought it meant everyone was going to end up feeling that way. And contrary to what some might think I do not have a list of phone numbers available where you can rent love. Officially at least I don’t. We won’t discuss unofficial for obvious reasons.

Still as far as I’m concerned I can’t help, but wonder about how many people are grumpy because of the lack of a little romance in their lives? Just being honest here to the degree that I can be honest.

Now I know I’m prone to jest about the bible thumpers at times, but I do wonder at times given the “ahem” calorically challenged image they have if it affects their attitude. I mean let’s be honest. In this world where image is everything, the poor person who wasn’t blessed by Mother Nature with a perfect or attractive body will generally get the shaft socially. I didn’t say I advocated that, merely just observing.

While that might be the way so many shallow and self-absorbed people are, it sure doesn’t mean the person who isn’t attractive doesn’t want to be loved. Only problem is regrettably they will probably find it a whole lot tougher to find it.

Getting back to the bible thumpers my main question is would they be so darn moral about things like the kind of “dating” that comes naturally if they honestly had more dates? It just seems like getting on a soap box or behind a pulpit to preach in favor of abstinence when you don’t have a choice hardly impresses me.

However I guess when you don’t have a choice you’ll never know what choice you would really make. So you can enjoy living with whatever delusion works for you best.

For those of us who know we are hopeless addicts to finding love anyway we can, well forget the preaching. Just tell us were to find it!

Ah life is such a fun time when you stop pretending about silly things down you think? And who knows perhaps with a little effort and the right type of coaching I might be able to set free some of those folks who are prisoners of their inhibitions.

It might be a difficult chore. But I’m willing to try. And if by chance I can’t succeed in teaching them the proper ways of finding a little romance I might be able to steer them in the direction of a tutor who can.

I doubt I’ll get much thanks from anyone for trying to help my fellow man in that regard. Sometimes you just have to be content with the knowledge that you’ve done a good deed.

(Of course it never hurts when you also get a few bucks for doing the good deed either. Some might call that being selfish. I call it being thoughtful. However we won’t discuss what the police will call it. No sense doing that and spoiling the joy of my delusions now is there?”


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