Saturday, December 31, 2005


Isn’t it amazing how as the world changes things that once affected us no longer have the ability to affect us? And this holds true for both bad and good changes in case somebody thinks I’m going to turn to into a gripe posting.

It is more of an observation how easy it is for us to become numb to what might otherwise stir our emotions when we get exposed to it so often. I make that observation because surviving the consequences of that dynamic is part of what keeps me in office as a Mayor.

You see where I live I understand that one of the cures for boredom is extremism. People just find something to get excited about no matter how dumb or stupid it happens to seem. Unfortunately I seem to be the only one that appreciate how that is the driving force behind such behavior.

Take for example the concept of crusades against injustice. It can be a noble venture. Providing you are battling something legitimately wrong. If it is something nobody cares about or makes no difference or worst of all people LIKE then you could have a problem.

In my city we have one person in particular who is totally consumed with the need to fight against his idea of wrong. His name is, AHEM, Roger Causefiend. Yes that’s right Causefiend. And I have no idea if it is his real name. All I know is that he is a royal pain in the butt to deal with.

His latest cause is called “FAST.” That stands for the Foundation Against Slaughtered Trees. Yep, you read that right. He wants to bring an end to the idea of using Christmas Trees. He considers it to be cruel and painful to trees.

Now I ask you even if we didn’t kill trees for Christmas, would we stop using them for building? It was a question I pointed out to him. His reply was that it didn’t justify this despicable practice of attempting “pine genocide.”

I have a feeling though that Roger will have trouble selling this idea to the public. The last thing I heard he had been assaulted by a troop of Boy Scouts that were using the selling of Christmas trees as a means of fund raising.

I imagine though it won’t slow him down. I’m sure once he gets out of the hospital he’ll be back on the streets once again trying to picket Christmas Tree lots if he gets out before the end of the holidays, which at the time of writing this was before the end of the season. If not, then I imagine he’ll find something else to get pissed about.

I suppose that it is good he does get excited about something. I’m not sure in his case that relates to being sane, but I don’t get the impression he worries about that part.

And the thing is at least he never has much reason to yawn. Which regardless of his lunacy makes him less bored than the rest of my city.


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