Monday, January 02, 2006


There is Russian comedian who got famous using that phrase when he was talking about how things worked in this country. And I agree is sure is some place to live.

I just wanted to take a posting to reflect about how truly remarkable of a nation we do have. Like most people I never have the chance to experience every portion of from sea to shining sea. I’ve not spent time watching the amber waves of grain. On the rare occasions I’ve been traveling where they grow, I’m generally hurrying and cruising through at night so I haven’t noticed them. Oh I know they’re there, because it says so in the song, I just can’t claim to have seen them personally. Plus I guess if they were waving then it would end up in us not eventually having bread in the market so I’ll just accept they are there.

It is like with the purple mountains majesty. Well around where I live there aren’t too many mountains. The nearest ones I can’t see very good, plus the smog has a tendency to keep them from being too visible. So again like with the waves of grain I know they are there because it is in the song. And that is good enough to me. Besides I’m not all that sure I would be able to tell what makes them majestic even if I had seen them. I’ll just be content to know that they must be pretty darn majestic to end up being worth mentioning in a song about beautiful parts of this country.

I don’t wish to be discouraging here, but do you think if they wrote a new version of that song it would be different today? Would we toss in the part about “the glorious skies rich with toxic sighs?” Um just trying to you know be creative. What do you want from a politician anyway.

I know we could also include a part about “City streets rich in crime and strife where a tourist needs a gun and knife to protect his life.” Yeah now that is a great addition don’t you think? As a cool ring of flow to me. But then a lot of things would.

Plus we just couldn’t forget all those wonderful additions to our life since the song was first wrote. Things like drug use, cable televisions, gangs and well a general decline in any morals or other stuff that would for some reason matter to people who still had souls.

Yep, I just think we need to work on writing a real good new update and upbeat version of this song. One that reflects our pride in the fact that over two hundred million totally dysfunctional people can live together, occasionally beat the snot out of each other, lie, cheat and steal and still have time to go out and find some other country to abuse. Now that is greatness!

And just like the comedian, I too would have to say with one proud resounding voice, WHAT A COUNTRY! I think we should all take a bow for proving you don’t have to be sane or even the best at something to be remembered. Keep up the good work folks. It for the record. I won’t say, which one, but you can bet if it is made of gold it will probably be gold plated with a chocolate filling!


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