Sunday, December 25, 2005


It is such a great feeling it is to deal with people who don’t know when I’m lying my butt off. They really help to make up for the ones who ask to many questions.

If that life were composed of only people made of clay and no iron. How much easier life would be for a guy like me.

And that might happen more often if my plans were as easy to fulfill as it is to lie to some people. That is the tough part. People have a tendency to stop being gullible when they find how you are a total moron and never say anything that is accurate. I really hate when that happens!

The great part is that there are plenty of people out there desperate and willing to buy into any plan if they think they will somehow benefit from it. Nothing turns a hard heart into putty quicker than greed.

The big challenge at times is sorting through the people who claim to be generous from those who really are. There is nothing harder to cope with than a person infected with the malady of being a decent person. I really fear at times that such people could actually take over. God would that be a nightmare.

But then I gain my sanity back and know that will never happen. The greedy will always win out over the people with morals because we have no shame or conscience and cheating is as natural as breathing for us.

However I do have to concentrate on doing what I can to be sure I always find the clay folks as often as possible. That is hard work, yet well worth the investment of time when it comes to find scapegoats and victims when my plans don’t work out.

Still I never tired of the hunt. Somewhere out there are the wonderful moldable minds who will be eager and willing to let me experiment in the arena of will this stupid plan actually work?

Of course I do believe in helping to serve my fellow man whenever I can. True my idea of serving them is in the object lesson of teaching them the futility of trusting any politician, but I do what I can.

Thus I will continue my vigil to search for worthy candidates who will embrace the concept of learning when it means them sacrificing their wealth in order to help me fulfill an idea that is totally impossible to work.

I wish such a service inspired more gratitude. But alas sometimes the word thank you is hard to expect from some guy you inspired to fork over his life savings so you could use it to try and — well, you can fill in that blank with any absolutely ridiculous plan you want. I know I have and will continue to do so as long as possible.

As they say it is a living. And will continue to be so as long as I can find another smiling brain of clay to mold with my fantasies.


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