Saturday, November 26, 2005


SCARED TO DEATH! I’m sorry, but that idea of whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger might sound great being said by an actor in a movie, but I think it is personally a load of crap! Okay maybe not all the time. There are good things that happen to people that definitely makes them either a lot happier or stronger. But there is a bunch of bad stuff that happens, which to me only leaves you with an uncontrollable need for a involuntary bladder reaction.

I think the principle on this thing might have merit. You know essentially that from every experience, especially the bad ones if you end up learning something then it was good thing. So if by stronger you mean potentially stronger then that is wonderful.

The key is of course the learning part. And if there is one thing I have come to appreciate is how often a disaster gives us a lesson we would rather forget. Which is why in some occasions it appears we get a serious case of industrial strength stupidity in terms of not repeating the same mistakes.

So I would like to amend the ideal of this phrase just a tad. Whatever doesn’t kill you make you ready to hopefully life long enough not to make the same mistake again.

Alright for those people out there that might say that is too verbose let me say whatever doesn’t kill you makes you a survivor! A real survivor to me is one who learns how to avoid repeating the same things that cause their disaster in the first place.

Now you might ask, what difference does any of this make? Well if you have to ask I got a feeling your mistake cycle is probably on rerun too often. No offense there bud, but perhaps you aren’t listening when it comes to knowing when it is time to do other than choose the option, which makes you look like a first class moron.

Too blunt for you? Then knock off proving me right! Okay, maybe I’m being a tad too extreme on this thing.

However the big deal for me as a politician is that this whole principal is for me a two-edged sword. Survivors of a political disaster can be wiser and more willing to try things different. But if they have too much pride then they can be so darn stubborn to ever accept they need to do things different. And frankly if I want to spend time with clowns I’ll join the circus, not invite one into my daily life!

In any case, the cycle of whatever kicks you in the ass will be there. We can learn from it, we can deny it, we can end up smarter from it or we can simply lie and pretend it won’t happen again.

And depending on the choice of my voters will depend if I have to somehow try next time to not make the same mistake if it means they will admit they noticed it. Lucky for me that is only a rarity where I live. From what I can see though it seems that the same holds true for a few other places too! Which definitely doesn’t kill me!


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