Thursday, November 24, 2005


There are times to be serious and others when it demands a smile and a wink. People who don’t know the difference are a pain in the butt to deal with from my point of view. I mean I sure as heck appreciate nobody would consider it a time for humor if you were dealing with something such as a natural disaster. But with some people it seems like the smallest issue is as serious as a natural disaster. Which ends up just wearing me out when I have to deal with them.

I appreciate that when it comes to humor we don’t all find the same things funny either. What cracks me up may in now way cause you to smile. Which is probably a good thing because there are times when my sense of humor gets totally fracture and the sickest things end up seeming funny.

Fortunately my politician’s butt doesn’t enjoy being put at risk so I have so far managed to avoid giving in to those urges. Otherwise I can imagine there would have been a few occasions when I might have so infuriated some people that they would have formed a lynch party.

Still there are those occasions when I just can’t help falling into a deep chasm of demented jocularity. (Okay I’m speaking of being utterly depraved and totally disrespectful in terms of what is tasteful humor.)

The only down side is that after I recover from some episodes and then venture into some part of the real world my mind is still in the “find the fun mode.” So I’ll sit in say a council meeting and we’ll be discussing some important issue. Well important in terms of our city or at least to somebody who lives here.

But that won’t keep my mind from wandering to the lunacy crossroads and asking myself “what’s fun got to do with it?” Essentially what I’m asking is “how do we turn this subject into something interesting for a change?”

In sillier moments I’ll even ask a question to hopefully open the door for some reply that will give the other person a chance to say something clever and humorous. I don’t mind playing the straight man if it gets the party started.

However in my city there is a sad shortage of decent comedians. I have yet to get anyone to take the bait and comeback with a decent one line that makes you at least smile.

I haven’t given up though. I’m still a believer that smiles are important in life. Otherwise it just seems you end up only seeing more shadows than sunlight. And you aren’t in the mood to look for the good in the bad.

That’s the Limburger philosophy for life I guess. It works for me even if I have had trouble finding enough others to join me in that arena of thought where I live.

Perhaps that will change someday though. One can always hope. Just like I can hope we will have a dress like a clown day for council meetings some time. I guess for now I’ll just have to settle for the rest acting the part.


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