Monday, October 10, 2005


It is wonderful how just having hope can fuel a person’s flame of passion and stamina like nothing else. And since so many people know this there are plenty of peddlers of positivism whole love to make profit off of selling their system of progress. It is in essence hope with some twist that turns an ordinary labor into a flame of anticipation that burns intensely till a wind of circumstance extinguishes it.

All of that is my way of rambling about just how important hope is to the human spirit. So much so that just dangling any carrot of expectancy before a lot of people desperate for any help turns them into a dope. They get all goofy and toss aside logic and can become totally consumed with some angle of change they think will end in a gold mine of realized dreams.

Does it ever really happen? I mean do people ever honestly discover that gold mine when pursuing the insanity of a futile romance with lust? Well perhaps. Oh there are plenty of people out there that might testify out one change implanted their lives with something truly memorable. I just don’t often see where their claims are something they are able to validate with some solid facts.

But that is okay. Perception is just as much an integral part of success and image as anything else. Forget what some people say about winning. It is being perceived as a winner that counts. Even if you haven’t won anything if you can convey the illusion of being a champion you’ve won! And if that wasn’t true then the paper mills who crank out phony degrees wouldn’t have any customers.

To me all of that is just part of the dynamics of social being we all experience. It is the jewels of pride we seek to wear as a crown of approval in the presence of those we seek to impress. True, it is a game and a dirty one at time, full of intrigue and fabrications. And it is one game where it does matter how you play because the more dirty you play the better you are probably going to score.

That might not set well with the people who love to tote around their bars of morality soap and seek to clean up everything. For them they have this delusion fascination with the idea that you can play any game and do it honestly and still win.

Well the fallacy in that resides with the presumption that everyone else will have the same bar of soap. Including the ones who are acting like a dope from hitting their head against a wall in an attempt to find hope.

I’m sorry, but no matter how much you can take pride in a “moral victory” it just never feels the same as a real victory does it. Which is why I just end up yawning when trying to cope with such contradictions.

That is why I feel I have been able to stay in office as a politician in my own little political pond. Because I understand there are times when you just have to choose between following the rules and winning. Sorry folks, but if you want the crown in some games you got to understand the real rules, which is anything goes. Just a little coaching advice from your mentor of mishap and misunderstand, good old Mayor Rash!


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