Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Gambling is one of those pastimes that some people treat as life itself. And when you win, it was worth it. However if you end up broke then I doubt you feel much reason to boast.

But beyond the normal woes and tales of gambling I want to talk about the kind of gambling where you end up using somebody else’s money. Basically I’m speaking of the government.

There have been plenty of people who have pointed out that at times the boys at the top politically seem to have this obsession with running our country into incredible debt. We all have heard and know about the issue of the national debt. And we also know that when you get passed the speeches and finger pointing the debt isn’t going away.

Personally as a local city Mayor I’m down right jealous of that system. Here the guys pulling the strings can charge up the world and then be out of office to leave some future sap take the fall for the mess. And if the day comes when we are just plain broke as a country then I do pity the poor jerk who has to put up the “out of business” sign on the capital.

But cheer up folks I don’t think any of us has much to fear. Before that happens we can look forward to at least a few good years of taking it easy and letting some future generation get stuck with the tab. Heck that works for me.

Besides the good news is that if we keep working on those great weapons then when the time comes I’m sure we can trump up some excuse to go and invade some other country and loot the heck out of it. It does sort of go against the basic image we like to see in our country as defenders of freedom, but things do change. Perhaps we can change the image to the defenders of our hopelessly in debt butts! I kind of like that idea.

So who knows perhaps some time down the road when Social Security is broke, the national debt is so big we will never be able to pay it and all the oil reserves are gone it will end up proving to be our finest hour. Well in terms of being greedy perhaps. Hey we have worked darn hard abusing the resources of the planet. Why should we be expected to give up our partying?

In the meantime I just love to tune into the comedy hour when the politicians at the capital try to explain with a straight face why things aren’t getting better. I think I’ll look into investing in blindfolds I can sell when the time comes and we can’t ignore the flow of red ink from our capital any longer.

And don’t worry I’ll be sure to save you one if you need it. Who knows perhaps we can sit around wearing them, share a keg of beer and pretend it is still the good old days. Hey no sense not trying to enjoy ourselves if possible.

Here’s hoping you are looking forward to that party as much as I am. Because I think we already have an invitation whether we want one or not.


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