Sunday, August 28, 2005


Blame is such a sweet and addictive word. Finding the source of guilt as long as it isn’t you is so satisfying. And if it is you the big challenge is covering your tracks so they end up leading to someone else.

My basic approach is to verbally support finding the truth in terms of when a problem occurs. I WANT to find the source. I want to change the problem and make things better. And I can get so darn adamant about it in speeches. Enough that it normally brings a very good round of applause.

Well that is as they say “on the record.” My official view and prevailing philosophy that I repeat as often as possible.

However reality is of course not for the record in some cases. There is a game to be played and nobody wants to know the score. That is because if the truth were really known the origin of too many problems resides with the general indifference of the voters.

They don’t pay attention the facts or give a hoot about the issues. Now I’m speaking of Mediocrity where I am the Mayor of course. It might be different where you live.

But in my little slice of the world that is the way it is. And all I can say is I LOVE IT! Yep without that kind of behavior I would be in big trouble as the double-dealing, back stabbing and lying jerk I am in term so getting elected. I would have to tell the truth and worse of all, DO SOMETHING!

God the very thought of that kind of possibility always puts me in a cold sweat. Oh I know that it isn’t likely to change, but I also know that such things do happen.

Which is why I have to work so hard at getting to the source of problems. I need to be sure that if it is in any way incriminating I cover it up. And then I have to labor to come up with a diversion tactic to blame somebody else.

I am grateful that so far in my long tenure as Mayor the concepts of efficiency and accountability have never reared their ugly heads. I have been “beasts free” and plan on keeping it that way.

How do I accomplish that? Well it is in part admittedly pure luck. By beyond that there is the simply joy that I have enough morons working for me that actually have a conscience. There is always one of them I can pick up to take a fall.

Naturally I always make sure I don’t let the poor sap end up getting fired. There is no sense risking that if they left I would be able to replace them with someone equally dumb. Besides, it gives me a chance to create the illusion of being forgiving when I manage to punish them without firing them.

Hey it might not be politics as you would prefer, but it sure is politics that works for me. Do me a favor and don’t peek into your own local government too closely. I wouldn’t want you to get depress to find out they probably do the same thing.


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