Monday, August 29, 2005


With some people you might as well hang out a sign that says “out to lunch and probably won’t return.” There are others that you could say “meeting in progress, but nobody is actually there!”

Yes admittedly there are some in Mediocrity that you can meet with that honestly do have the capacity for carrying on a logical conversation and you can expect them to pay attention. They even have the capacity to make sense.

I only wish they were the people I normally have to deal with. Unfortunately the truly sane people all seem to be way too busy doing sane things to bother attending any meetings where I’m a participant. For me it is just one of those regrettable facts of life in my city. Rationale people find a place to hide or hibernate. They avoid any contact with the demented element of society.

I didn’t say I liked it that way. Merely that I know that is how it works. From what I’ve seen too often people who move to my city find out rather quickly that in terms of city employees and often those who work in places like fast food restaurants they are not normal. And the result is that the if they are logical at all they quickly find a way to not spend any more time among the crazies than necessary.

I can’t say that I blame them. I personally have no choice. There are simply too many people that aren’t going anywhere that I have to work with. And so for myself in terms of survival that translates into the simple understanding that I have to find a way to cope.

Even though I can claim any kind of bragging rights in that regard for survival and keep the gossamer fabric of our city’s system functioning, but I do think I have managed to keep it from evaporating on more than one occasion. Not that anyone is going to applaud my efforts. I just derive a certain satisfaction from winning at the game that everyone else doesn’t seem to know they are playing.

Thank goodness some of the more “mentally challenged” in my throng of city employees are people I don’t seen, but rarely. That does help to cut down on some of the risk to my own senses.

The only area I can’t escape is the council meetings. Now maybe you have heard me talk about my Vice Mayor, Millard Fillpoor. Well if not then let me just say that he is someone who uses a janitor’s closet as an office and thinks a water fountain is his secretary. Do I need to say more?

All I can say that in terms of the city council he really is probably the most sane in some cases. I discount the presence of that darn do-gooder, Lance Allworthy since he is such a hopeless decent guy that I figure he just is beyond help.

And if by chance you are contemplating a move any soon then you are more than welcome to come to my city. Just bring your sanity in a box and don’t open it except for emergencies! Rash’s rule number three for survival in Mediocrity!


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