Monday, September 05, 2005


Boy can this be a hard sell at times. That’s because what is popular in one part of the society has nothing to do with what some other part of the society likes.

For example more mature folks naturally are prone to conservative values and likes. Not all, but I just think that is an element of getting older. You prefer stability and things staying the same to any kind of change.

So what is socially correct when I’m called to attend some meeting of older folks is totally different from say a group in their twenties. They are more inclined to love liberal and wild elements. I can’t say that I blame them. I sort of enjoyed those options too when I was that age.

And I think that is why there is a natural tendency of any city to slowly evolve in terms of its forms of entertainment that respects how what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another.

All of which is the simple foundation of understanding that I must acknowledge in order to wade through the maze of attitudes and ideas that dominate each age group. That reduces down of course to me having to say one thing to one group and something different to another.

Which can admittedly become really crazy in larger setting where you have more of a tendency to seem a variety of ages gathered. Thank goodness that doesn’t happen constantly.

For me it all comes down to sort of a game. Of sorting through the worried and bored faces to find that one thing I can say, which will in any way render a small smile.

What I have to be extra careful about is when I set up meetings with different social groups that are totally different from each other and not doing it to close to some other meeting. I just have to be careful to give myself enough time in between so I don’t accidentally blunder and say the wrong thing to the wrong group.

I do have to confess there are times when I wonder if it is all worth it. Such games can be terrible boring and exhausting. Lying convincingly is down right hard work.

But still there are the other times when I can escape the carousel of approval and not have to ride on some cart of opinion of what is socially acceptable. Then I get to just be myself and that is the times I savor the most.

Thank god I have my pal, ace newspaper reporter, Hugo Muckraker, to spend time with and be myself. Because if there is one thing most all the groups have in common is they hate finding out you thought they were jerks and said otherwise.

Well for the moment I get to just share that little fact in a posting and be grateful life doesn’t depend on the truth as far as politics is concern. Cheers!


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