Sunday, January 31, 2010

Eternal arms

Sisters dueling thoughts barbed and fired

love snarled from crevice so deep inside,

mother's touch sleeping in her plot,

the valley in their hearts growing darker

without her light to shine upon them.


But in the storm of seconds

words burning so heated and hurtful,

calm mysteriously sweeps over them,

disputes end in tears and hugs,

mother's wings working forgiveness magic 

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Dream Of My Heart

The joy float me on a cloud,

each time we are together

to just gaze at that voluptuous body

makes me so breathless in awe

over how I get to explore

every luscious inch of that form.


Night is never the same

since I am able to enjoy

riding that sultry shape,

utterly lost in a heavenly entrance

over that feel of the smooth silky skin,

which gives me such incredible thrills.


Every eve is ecstasy

when I’m able to caress

this dream of my heart.


Happiness shudders my insides

from every second shared

in pure exquisite bliss!


How could I ever be

other than completely in love

with this matchless beauty?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Not Quite Like The Brochure

They thought it looked lovely

in the travel agent’s brochure,

an oasis and sanctuary of real serenity.

With a staff who were available both night and day,

plus a very special form of entertainment

for a very budget package vacation price.


So the Mr. and Mrs. Gullible

were off to enjoy their trip,

why they thought the screaming door bell

a very creative welcome device,

also found it very amazing

how the maids all were able to float through the walls,

which were a very nice shade of red

that seemed to flow like blood.


Bed was very comfortable

even if it did hover off the ground

and rotated in a circle all night long

while some voice moaned underneath

about loving to devour hearts.


Meals were a tad on the lean side

since they were transparent,

but they didn’t mind since wanted to lose weight anyway.


They came back and recommended it to their friends,

Mr. and Mrs. OMG What’s That?

Figured they could use a break

with having weak hearts and being treated for extreme paranoia.


Next year the Gullibles can’t wait to go on the desert retreat

where the dirt glows at night in nice shade of green,

owned by some leisure expert by the name of Toxic Waste.


Thursday, January 28, 2010


Fine lace fantasies draped over the heart,

while praying they’ll cover

the scars from each knick in life,

constantly looking for an upholster

with a magic leather to shroud

that torn and ratty couch

in one’s mental living room.

It is where the world is watched

as some soap opera reality

and being naked with secrets

is safe, sublime security.


But time wears out the illusion,

springs of reality begin to ruin the comfort,

so there comes a time to shop

for a new resting spot from truth.


Old cushion mistress tossed aside,

though you can’t forget those intimate hours,

they whisper your vulnerabilities

in echoes that come through the windows,

until yesterday’s seat of casual compliance

remains in the head as a discarded history

from the memories you wish you could abandoned.


Yet it lingers on the consciousness’ porch,

ever a souvenir of stagnation

you hope will not be the fate

for your new life

on the furnishing adorned

by a better pattern in thinking.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Grandma’s house is always so much fun

even if she does talk about things

that I don’t completely understand.


She says God made the world

and everything in it,

then said she talks to Him every day.


Saw her talking to her plants

so I guess God lives in them,

figured He’s got to be in this flower too,

but I’ve said hello several times,

still not talking back.


Wonder if He’s sleeping?

Sure would be nice

if He would say hello back,

since I could ask Him about angels

because granny says they are everywhere

always watching what we do


Would be great to talk to them

maybe they could help me find

where I left my yo-yo.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The air carried the hint of something on fire

upon the sky of the afternoon’s light and lazy thoughts,

there was a trace in the scent of wood burning,

then slowly it turned into a conviction.

Somewhere nature has sparked an inferno,

out in the unseen fields raged a flame,

ready to consume life and property

as hell’s marauding monster of torching treat

surely it would move like a scorching lion

over the land to devour everything it met.


My heart pounded from the fears,

swells of panic infused my body,

time to prepare to defend against this enemy

before it came and turned my home to ashes.


It was so clever not revealing any smoke,

surely the wind was its ally in that ruse,

but deep inside the intuition screamed,

soon this evil would come in fury.


Buckets grabbed, hose readied,

quick search for fire extinguisher,

within the dread crippled my sanity,

there was no doubt to me that I would soon

have to battle a blaze to preserve my abode.


Outside I walked to confront this impending danger,

just riveted with the urgency for survival,

eyes scanned for that lurking menace.

Suddenly I noticed the neighbor’s chimney

with that fireplace stoked and the black vapors rising.


This wasn’t the first time my nose had failed me,

too bad I have amnesia

every new occasion I get a whiff.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I built a survival shelter in my basement

prepared for the end of the world,

2012 might come sooner than predicted,

we could run out of oil any day

and the economy might totally fall apart tomorrow.


So I would be secure

where nothing could harm me,

be free from any worries or fears.


Stocked my shield against danger

made sure it was totally self reliant,

then quit my job and went inside,

ready to feel so good

that I could sleep at night

without anxiety over what will happen tomorrow.


But it got so lonely in that haven,

there wasn’t much happiness

inside steel walls

if I never saw the world

or experienced a day again.


Six long months I endured that isolation,

finally so desperate for company,

left to find some friendly face.


Discovered I had missed so many things,

parties, promotions and unexpected surprises,

the ache of my regret

was only made worse,

by the fact that everyone

had forgotten my name.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh Deer Me

Yep, me and my buds

decided for the New Year

we would get some real mountain man

kind of fitness.


Going to tramp down those woods,

take our trusting rifles

(well the ones we would borrow)

and bring us home

some big buck just to say we could,

pass it around, well the head at least,

properly stuffed and mounted,

then be able to share our trophy,

exhaust our tongues telling tales

about our hunter prowess.


Course none of us had any real clue

on anything the slightest outdoors in skill,

barely found the forest,

never saw a single deer,

ended up sitting in some motel

soaking up beer and watching cable

while making up big lies to tell everyone.


Mercifully one of my pals

saw this deer head in this sport good’s store

that was located near the motel,

so we all chipped in to buy it

each getting our picture taken

then bringing it home

so we can take turns putting it on display.


Sure worked out mouths a lot,

waist lines never shrunk even got bigger,

but we held the deer head in front of us

in order to distract from our girth.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Midnight’s Heavenly Explosions

Roses adorned the luxury suite, lavender scented candles provide the soft light,

coconut oil to massage naked skin, sips of wine and bites of bread to entice,

kisses trail the finger stroll to summon the perfect arousing spell,

before two bodies lie down in an entwine embrace on fur rug in front of the fireplace

where the music flows from that heated dance of midnight’s heavenly explosions.


Friday, January 22, 2010


His wind blew

tantalizing tides,

sighs swelling in heaving currents,

surfing across quivering crests

upon ecstasy's sea.


Gown woven with mermaid's lust,

towards a nuptial horizon,

passion fish on feeding frenzy,

sailing towards paradise.


His promises growing fins,

jaws instead of lips,

seaweed snarling words

a pirate's ship.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Saving The World

The committee of humanitarian causes

gathered to save the world,

contemplated and conspired to be the paragons of charity,

bring peace and an end to suffering for all mankind.

They pondered the prefect solutions

to ensure utopia was realized,

spent a treasure to obtain the paragon in happiness,

make each misery aspect evaporate by their plan,

labored so hard to summon an era of love

so consumed in the passion to produce universal bliss.


Oh they struggled and grieved over each complaint

diligently devoted time to the service of aid

in hopes to end any sorrow and crime.


But the critics and villains kept ruining the efforts

and no one was happy at the idea

of any single person being the earth’s source of joy,

in time and desperation they finally came up

with the only way to solve the friction

that would ensure everyone had no reason to be sad,

it all was found in the push of a red nuclear button.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Her goddess presence
stunned and mesmerized,
a Venus beyond my reach,
but then she bent down
exposing her creamy mounds
and whispered
a one hundred dollar petition
would bring salvation.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Mind blazes from perfect sight

where nothing dulls the senses,

time never drains the spirit

and total consciousness is one's blood.


Spirit clothed in pure radiance,

aura shines from divine love,

every thought sings a thousand songs,

no tears ever flow again.


Timeless, is how one resides

amid a city's incredible splendor

of translucent walls in colors never before seen,

able to absorb each layer of ethereal reality

that has its own substance, but never ages.


It is a realm where creativity never ceases,

purged of shadows

only what is truly gold thrives.


Taking shapes and forms

more than this life could imagine,

without darkness, nor evil,

or the plots of mankind.


Peace clings to the essence,

free at last to dream

where our greatest longings

no longer remain

bed time fantasies.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Streams of sobs cut so deep into the soul,

they float their memories as floods

through the dwelling places

of the mind.


But the heart refuses to drown,

builds its temples upon any waters,

finds the rafts to float

even when the river

covers the landscape

like a watery blanket.


In that gaze upon the rapids

inside their lingers the ark builder,

the defiant fingers who refuse

to be washed away by the storms.


Still the coldness and silence

stir their churning panic effervescence,

ever holding onto the timbers of sanity

while looking for life preserves

among the remnants of shelters

that drift by like last bits of paper,

those fragments of dreams that were submerse

by the tides that never hear your cries or laughter.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Taking The Plunge

Nakedness dives into the warmth,

immersed in its spell

free to indulgence

in the night’s magic

without witnesses.


It’s an indescribable thrill

when diet cracker

touches low cal cream

as help in weight loss dreams.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Guillotine

The best way to cope with the dead bodies

was to step over them and hold your breath

so the stink of their rotting flesh

didn’t make you pass out,

besides the janitor would drag them out to the dumpster,

then all you had to contend with

were the severed heads that might have

rolled under some desk.


Those brains spilled on the floor

really made such a mess,

hard to clean them up with a vacuum,

can always leave them for the next crew,

not like they will get in the way

if you used them for footstools.


There was a time when those suggestions

might have made my stomach curdled,

left me outraged over the shear cruelty

such utter calloused comments,

when I still had a heart and companies were run by human beings,

but now the help were trolls meant to be abused

for the sake of the corporate meat grinder.


Always hanging over the head was the guillotine

a subtle hint of intimidation

over how any offense could summon execution

then end up decapitated and unemployed

just because someone was in a bad mood.


Death cling to everyone as disease,

tried to feel pain over the ritual slaughter

each cattle call in layoffs that left friends gutted and slain.


But the profit lords had gone insane

and tears were for the weak,

made worse when you personally have to pull the lever

to watch a screaming condemned die from being terminated.


Asbestos wrapped around the heart and conscience,

slowly walking towards the bathroom to bleed the shame

where throwing up purges

any sense of being other than a soulless slug in servitude.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sunshine Eyes

I see the sun in stunning splendor

of golden hued hope,

gaze intently until it blots out the vision

from viewing the slithering snakes

that slide over the mind.

Just drip a little honey upon the image

and all we be perfect and so sublime.


For if I can only detect the light and nothing else,

blissfully deny the panic moving in the darkness

like a demon who strangles

in merciless, mangling methods,

it makes it easy to predict

only peace and safety around the world,

sweetly tint the tinctures of time

until they subdue the howls in muffled musings,

They are the dribbles of positivism’s drool,

which drown the reticent rumbles

so the flinches in fear can’t strum their melodies

over the spine and tease in chilling combs.


It’s a race in the tongue

to beat the heart to the finish line

and tie a ribbon of calm

over the throbbing panic button,

wrapped it neatly with a bow that shines

with a brilliant flame in confidence.


If it stays lit long enough to keep from noticing

those lurking villains that are heard in sleep

when their hands are wrapped about my night,

then the voice can play the prophet

even if I know deep down

all seers end up martyrs.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

The First Time

I remember the scent of lilac

wake my senses like being in a tropical garden,

the touch of softness that left me shuddering

so mesmerized by the wave rolling over my skin

sink deep inside and immerse me in its power.


Suddenly I was spiraling upwards

as if sucked inside a tornado,

my head spinning out of control,

barely able to breathe from the excitement,

beyond anyplace I had ever been,

light and life swept into a blur

by this goddess moment,

this incredible encounter that grabbed my heart

made it become a pile driving, unbearable drum.


Was this the truth I had dreamt of at night

in the frail hammock

of ignorance’s painted fantasies?

Could this truly turn into a home,

a place where I might live,

each second on the edge

constantly fearing falling

driven by those injections in adrenaline,

addicted to the rush,

terrified it might end?


Then I faded into a fog,

sucked away from that dazed dalliance

more amazing than any cinema spell,

it all just collected in my scrapbook

revisited in intensity a thousand times a day.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hope's China

My mind tastes

the pungent lament

stirring the images

where hope's china

ended up shattered

and lying on the floor.


Super glue

comes in fancy's tube

using it quickly

so it will dry

before a breeze of fate

breaks them again.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ever Rest

Emerald manicured lawns

spread in perfect peaceful precision

beneath a cloudless, crystal clear cerulean sky.

The wind blows softly over the scenic landscape

where the occupants dwell in sublime calm,

utterly without complaint about their domain

no fights nor feuds bring any stress or conflict to the realm.


Quietly the time passes in complete harmony

not a single occupant has any cares at all

while resting in those personal paradises with a headstone

Monday, January 11, 2010


The morning holds its light in the predictable tones,

blissfully wandering the walkways,

mind set it crafted expectations,

while the world is a land that each moment

lays another brick upon the nerves

until a wall is built and the sky is hidden

behind veil of shadowy pillars

that someone else calls a throne.


Just shuffling along in compliant steps

fantasies tucked beneath the clothes

where they can be protected

from the weather and winds.


In the heart there is the glow

of a fire that as burnt so long

to heat the night and keep the body alive

because the air is held in a vase

a fragile vessel stored in the mind,

ever pouring it out to try an control

each layer of time and thought touched.


Then in the midst of the seductive illusion

the precarious lace in presumption,

nature spreads its own tempest tapestry

across the spreading sheet of reality.


Covered is the sense of security

as the frozen dandruff from a cloudy toupee

showers its own litter upon all creation.


For a while the sense of reliance ebbs

before the icy talons cling to roofs

and we have to surrender choices

unto the whims of inclement incursions.


Like intruders we cope with their marauding ways

seek the means to keep the hours sane

silently dreaming of sun tans and long summer days.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Glow Of Gills

He was gigantic trout,

a lake’s Moby Dick,

as Mel told it,

in the fisherman’s tale,

starring the one that got away.


Saturday, January 09, 2010

Promises, Promises


It was hot and spicy,

tasted so good

as it slid down my throat

and filled my stomach

with that creamy flaming ecstasy,

couldn’t stop asking for more,

my heart became so ravenous

for just another tasty morsel

of this ambrosia that was so divine.


Have to lament

over how it turned into an addiction,

until I could prevent my desires

from ruling my life,

ever stalking that location

just to get another fix

of that amazing, succulent dream.


At least it started out so favorable,

thought it would always last,

but it turned out to only make me sick,

then I learned to stop trusting

any politician as a cook

since their promise chili

will always backfire eventually.


And one thing I don’t need

is another pain in the behind

from some big lying fart

who ends up polluting the air

with another lie that just plain stinks.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Looking For The Exit Sign

I’m lingering in my languishing lair

of a Monday stew in lethargy

after my weekend work marathon.


Stunned by a blend of numb and fatigue,

while I hold onto my sliver in sanity

try to avoid asking what is the point

to be expected from another rerun day?


Claw at the mind for a reason

that will tell me dull is noble,

drift awhile on a lake towards an isle

where the life I dream lies as a mirage.


Inside I am a sloth in sluggish trail of desires

they fell into swamp on Sunday night

when I’m deprived the treat of sleep,

left covered in my thinking

by a muck of apathy,

still trying to believe I can wake up

and find out it was all some tale

told by deity who was intoxicate

on ethereal nectar

that had me as a character in some twisted story.


Waves of mixed moods drown my spirit,

which are suspended from a pendulum

ever moving between depression and euphoria.


When the mirror descends from the ceiling

and I am forced to see this life is reality,

then I enter the internet for my rescue

looking for an exit sign.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

It’s All Good

I love the guru of the undisclosed

those experts by efficiency attrition

that love to convey the illusion

they really made every disaster,

each utter blunder

an intended lesson for my benefit.


Sure sounds impressive

after the most embarrassing and humiliated moments

to have some one that can say,

it’s all good

then convey some suppose wisdom

over how great is a benefit

from learning through mistakes.


This was not a college I loved to attended,

degrees by bruises and wounds

didn’t exactly inspire me as graduating

when tomorrow the same screw ups

will happen again.


So I learned that gray hair alone

doesn’t mean you are always wise

and too many scars

never translates into prove of success.


Still I have given myself a new set of standards

about the essence of genuine expertise,

it is when it came with proficiency

that doesn’t carry with it

a litany of emergency first aid

or medical file cataloging

some history of broken bones.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010


His eyes were dipped in purity,

bleached of wrong

by a white hot poker of indignation,

a crusading knight in shining armor

and the world whole before him

was dominated by pulses of throbbing coals.


Lambs in their alabaster trust

stampeded to his clarion call,

but it was race into slaughterhouse,

their ashen lives

ended by the cool, granite spirits

that rage couldn’t burn.


In the night of whispered truths

the villains pointed to in the shadows

emerged in their real identity

as Hitler’s alabaster mask

was ripped away by true noble hearts

he accused of being jet black evil.



Tuesday, January 05, 2010

My Heart Taboo

I couldn’t get that beauty

out of my mind,

though I knew it was wrong

everything inside screamed danger

it was against all reason.


But the pain in my heart

refused to accept

what was taboo and so contrary

unto tradition for normalcy.


Still, inside I felt the burning,

an uncontrollable passion

until with mind out of control

my body came in the dark

for a forbidden rendezvous,

pounding so hard from the fear

that someone would find out

my lips had tasted that honey,

which I knew would never be

one I could admit to others

had been sampled in secret.


Then after that liaison

filled with sighs and gasp,

did I return to my reality,

ever haunted by the night

when I savored what was prohibited,

somehow tossing away the guilt

over intimacy with that morsel of sugar

not allowed on my diet.