Friday, January 08, 2010

Looking For The Exit Sign

I’m lingering in my languishing lair

of a Monday stew in lethargy

after my weekend work marathon.


Stunned by a blend of numb and fatigue,

while I hold onto my sliver in sanity

try to avoid asking what is the point

to be expected from another rerun day?


Claw at the mind for a reason

that will tell me dull is noble,

drift awhile on a lake towards an isle

where the life I dream lies as a mirage.


Inside I am a sloth in sluggish trail of desires

they fell into swamp on Sunday night

when I’m deprived the treat of sleep,

left covered in my thinking

by a muck of apathy,

still trying to believe I can wake up

and find out it was all some tale

told by deity who was intoxicate

on ethereal nectar

that had me as a character in some twisted story.


Waves of mixed moods drown my spirit,

which are suspended from a pendulum

ever moving between depression and euphoria.


When the mirror descends from the ceiling

and I am forced to see this life is reality,

then I enter the internet for my rescue

looking for an exit sign.


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