Thursday, January 21, 2010

Saving The World

The committee of humanitarian causes

gathered to save the world,

contemplated and conspired to be the paragons of charity,

bring peace and an end to suffering for all mankind.

They pondered the prefect solutions

to ensure utopia was realized,

spent a treasure to obtain the paragon in happiness,

make each misery aspect evaporate by their plan,

labored so hard to summon an era of love

so consumed in the passion to produce universal bliss.


Oh they struggled and grieved over each complaint

diligently devoted time to the service of aid

in hopes to end any sorrow and crime.


But the critics and villains kept ruining the efforts

and no one was happy at the idea

of any single person being the earth’s source of joy,

in time and desperation they finally came up

with the only way to solve the friction

that would ensure everyone had no reason to be sad,

it all was found in the push of a red nuclear button.


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