Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well there are plenty who would treat this as a bad thing. Some element of life to be regarded with shame.

We don't exactly give trophies out for that kind of behavior. Nope, not the last I checked.

Oh we might preach about how we hate it, but that is just the cover story. Nope, not quite the joy we would want.

So instead we find ourselves prone to lie about it. Which is a temptation also, however, not one we talk about it.

In any case, I want to talk on the positive side of this. That venue of hope for the dark side.

Hmmm, sounds interesting to me. But then you can't say for sure how some will view it. Yeah, that is a problem.

Oh well this is the joy called life. We just love to take those moments and treat them as real.

But not at a price. So that is where the game comes in. Yeah, the grand occasion of special celebration.

This is when we find cause to take time sit and not face the truth. Not embrace the nature of life.

So come on let's find that joy, that special place we can hide and not worry about the temptations. Well not have to whine about them.

Yep, we can sure savor that option. Now for me it starts with accepting reality. Meaning we are human.

And to let that fact be our compass. One that allows us to venture forth in pure joy. A chance to march in truth.

Gosh that almost sounds like some kind of evangelism. What I'm getting at here I guess is honesty.

Let's not pretend we have no needs or urges. Instead to accept them. Then let me help to guide people to the place where I can offer a realistic form of temptation.

Yep, got to love it. Oh my the joy, the rapture of being free. Which only works when you depend on your uncle Rash.

Don't worry it will be a smile. Eventually.


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