Sunday, August 24, 2008


This is sort of like medicine that is good for you, but taste like crap. You need it to feel better, but taking it makes you feel rotten.

So you do the best you can to tolerate it. Accept the fact you have no choice. It is the option where you really don't have an option.

Now the whole thing to me in these situations is that you face them like being told the sentence you will get for a crime. Not thrilled, but too late to prevent or change it.

Maybe you will toy with how you could alter the choice tossed in your face, but in the end you take you medicine. Yep those are the times you just want to sneer.

Take yourself to a place and hide. Pretend the world is not insane, be happy and move ahead.

Fine that paradise you've always lusted to visit. Take a flight away from your problems and hope the world won't bother you in the process.

Well it is a wonderful fantasy. Lasts right up to the point you have that spoon in your hand.

Then it becomes less of a fantasy and more of a wish. An idea dangling out there where it won't ever become truth.

So you live with the fact and try to find a reason to smile. Can be very tough to be sure, but what the heck life is like that.

What I do naturally is to spend a far amount of time trying to find ways of making this something I can take advantage of with others. Yeah, as a Mayor it is very important to have these choices.

You can let the person cry on your shoulder and let them think you care. Then they will be sure they have some kind of hope.

This is the process of painting the medicine with honey. To make it seem so tasty and wonderful they will actually be convinced it is a good thing.

Now you may have to lie about the taste. Make it seem as if it is so yummy. Which is a tough sale at times.

However, some will make this a bridge they will cross. A journey taken in steps so hesitant, yet necessary.

In the end it will be a joy. At least if you get them to buy it was all a good thing. Which can be nice if they aren't left wincing.


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