Saturday, August 30, 2008


Now this is the times you sure would prefer to forget. Those moments when the news you hear churns your stomach.

And it is always bad news. The kind that is less than the end of the world, but more than finding out some mooch of a relative is showing up unexpectedly.

The in betweens really can be the pits. It can't be ignored, but you can't avoid it either. So you are stuck.

Which is what the antacid helps to take care of. Well at times at least. Not always. Some occasions no amount of antacid will help.

Then you need extra help. A trip to a water hole that offers you favorite version of pain killer.

I have tried my best to take and rate these situations. Give them status between OMG and oh well.

What I do is keep a nice record of these moments for references purposes. Yeah it is a blessing.

I don't know, I just like being able to go back after the fact and see all the fabulous history of such things. To see the times I was able to have victory.

Now a victory is when I take time to end this problem by dumping it on another person. The pass the buck type of antacid.

You got to love those. They can give you such smiles. Yep, I do so cherish when somebody else is stuck with this crisis.

And you see them having to swig a gallon of antacid to help ease their pain. Yeah, I can smile.

Well they can be so happy with that prospect. But I also know how they would easily do the same for me.

Oh well, that is the part of ambition you just have to try and learn to accept. No gain without a few of those moments.

But that is okay. I have learned for myself the wonderful means to minimize them. It is called law denial.

Um, that is where I tell somebody there is a law that covers why it is there problem. Yeah it is bogus, but what the heck, it does work at times.

The rest you just fake.


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