Monday, August 11, 2008


There is a lot that wisdom is not. It is not the absence of mistakes. Nope, that is not quite the definition.

It isn't when you luck out and do something right by accident either. Even though you might prefer to claim it was on purpose.

Now that might be creative, but it isn't quite factual. And you can be sure that doesn't make it a good thing.

But I guess that is an okay thing. Might help you get through the day, but won't change the fact that you can't duplicate the process.

And that is where real wisdom prevails. Part of it is truth. The capacity to be honest about whatever.

Which is where one has to draw the line. At least I do. Mainly because I find it necessary to move in a direction that really counts.

Now some might call that enlightenment. I call it the part that is where you look in the mirror and say, yep, that is me.

But for the simple purpose of knowing who you really are. And that my friends is the best wisdom you can have.

Where you are able to at least sit down and accept being less than perfect. Not for the purposes of accepting it, but for the purpose of figuring out best way to lie about it.

Yeah I said lie about it. Which is the real wisdom you can have. Just the ability to find a way to make it all work the way you need it too.

And that will be the part that really counts. A chance to plan a nice strategy for future screw ups.

Yeah, you really need that. A way to wade through all the crap and figure a means to still look good.

See it really isn't about being perfect. It is about finding ways to look like you are. Then you can truly savor the day.

It is part of the way things are truly gained in understanding. A chance to find the little corner of the world you can feel happy with whatever doesn't work.

And if you do that then all will have a smile. Maybe not the kind some will think is good. But one that really feels good.

I can live with that part.


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