Tuesday, August 12, 2008


There are times in life when timing really is everything. A little detail of one second more or less and things fall apart.

How we do find out those times so easy. A chance to sit back and feel so good when you have made the right choice.

And then so rotten when you didn't. Now the one thing that often happens is that the tongue gets in the way.

Yep, this can be a big problem. Mouth in high gear, but brain in neutral. Never a good option.

But that is okay when we can make up for it later. When we can go back with some eraser and undo the mess.

Well it is wonderful when we can. But there are times when that won't work. Because that is part of the problem.

Brains have this ledger. We scribble every word heard. And then we make sure we don't forget the wrong ones.

But that is all part of the joy. Being able to play that game and know it is a game. Some never do play it that well.

They will sit back and decide to just bide their time and not let it become a dialogue of, "hey wait a minute." Instead they take it to a different level.

Which is to say they will find a way to inflict some harm on others. Sort of a domino affect.

And what a marvelous effect it can be. Not always in a good way, but one that does come about just the same.

Which is why it is so important to savor those wonderful times when it all works out right. The OOPs don't leave permanent scars.

Ah you got to love those options. I know I do. Well sometimes. But that is okay. I do enjoy the parts where I can fix somebody else's mess ups.

Sort of makes up for my own. Sometimes. Not all the times, but sometimes. I keep score you understand.

I have a nice list at home where I keep tract of it all. Well can't say it always is fun. Sometimes it really is embarrassing.

But I don't tell others.


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