Thursday, August 21, 2008


A very important element in communication. You might be a walking dictionary, but if you aren't understood it means nothing.

The other part is having somebody actually comprehend. This can be an even bigger challenge.

I do find joy in the failures of the tongue. But even more so in the numbness of the brain. Now in both case what doesn't happen is truth.

It gets scrambled in the head and what you end with is a whole lot of other than sense. But nobody seems to be concerned.

I know because I deal with it everyday. I see the people who function at the huh level constantly.

Oh yeah their brain is in neutral and it isn't going to shift gears. If they have an accident oh will they complain.

But if they are to blame, forget it, that will be somebody else's fault. It is all part of my basic view of life too.

Essentially that there is no problem small enough to not need a scapegoat. The small ones are even more special to blame on others.

They put the biggest dent in your credibility. Oh yeah you can't have that. Nope image for me is everything.

But for some they are so pathetic about it. They will really take this to some absurd level as if it matters.

Which is my main point I suppose. Come on let's play the blame game as it should be played.

Meaning for fun. Yep, that is the priority. You can't take it serious. Because if it were really important then we would listen.

And so far from what I have seen most people could get by without their eyes. Even their brains too.

As long as you let them still have their tongues. Oh yeah that would be so critical. Have to be able to use that sound.

Otherwise you might have to think and listen. Where would the fun be in that? No where I can think of.

But then I assume you won't remember it anyway.


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