Monday, August 18, 2008


I don't think gratitude is quite the habit it once was in our society. I think it is more like a place visit only if they have too.

I suppose I shouldn't be complaining. Just do prefer when I can take this somewhere that I feel appreciated.

Hardly an unreasonable request from my point of view. You have a right to be left feeling you did something good.

Only problem is convincing others that is the right choice. And this really gets difficult when you are talking about civil service.

People get this attitude that if they pay taxes they should be your boss. So they don't treat what you do as helping.

It is to be expected. So no thanks are needed. And even if they start demanding unreasonable stuff they still don't say thank you.

I actually tried once to see if I could change that. I went out of my way to truly help this one couple.

But the more I did the more they expected. And in the end they didn't say thank you. Not did they even pass on to others how I helped.

Oh they did come back for more later. Another request for some little favor that turned into a major pain in the butt.

I did truly get more than a little annoyed over their behavior. I mean I am the Mayor not some slave!

And that does not mean they can come around and dangle some request like I was a stupid puppet. Or pull my strings either.

Mr. Mammongrabber already gets enough practice doing that. So I don't need any help from somebody else.

Which is why I am inclined with the voters to be a tad less than enthused with them wanting to play boss. That is not going to make me happy.

After all I have such a full plate in that regard. I mean man I have the people who are leeches that I have to bribe.

The ones who bring me bribes also expect a certain degree of attention too. It all is less than my idea of perfection.

But then thank you in such situations generally comes with bags of cash. I can live with those.


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