Thursday, August 14, 2008


Well there are sales that place without ever being advertised. Yeah those times when there are price tags visible in eyes.

And you can tell them by the what comes out of the mouth too. There are so many ways the language speaks that special dialogue.

Like I have values, but for the right price I will do whatever you want. Yep, no need to even talk about price.

They were on sale already. And you can be sure it won't change. Except in the way they will sell out for less.

Which is a definite plus in my book. I mean the whole benefit from purchasing is that you know quantity will bring a drop in costs.

That is because the person becomes addicted. They come to crave those little tips that make life more tolerable.

And you dare to risk taking it away and it is panic time. Only they don't always admit it. They will just act like it is no big deal.

Right up to the point that you cut off their supply. And you can be sure they won't let that happen.

Js a matter of how hard they work to pretend about it. You know to act as if it is fine. Only the beads of sweat give them away.

Their lips might say no, but you can tell it isn't the truth. I love to make them uncomfortable.

And the whole time they will keep speaking in terms of being reasonable. Which never works other than a bargain basement investment.

That is when I truly love it. The joy of making sure I get their fee adjusted to the least price possible.

Then once you have got them on their needs and ready to beg, it is such a joy. A price you can afford and the happiness of victory.

Not that they will ever accept the change as bad. As long as they get their fix they are normally happy.

All and all it is a fun game. One full of excitement and entertainment. Well for me at least.

For the rest, well, no comment.


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