Thursday, July 17, 2008


Wonderful events we hope will be true. The kind that are invitations to some moment you just don't want to miss.

And let me tell you I certainly support such events. Providing they are not bogus or stupid.

Now where I live this can be a major problem. Because in a city where boredom rules, you get far more yawns that smiles.

This is not the same as sadness. For that inspires some sympathy. You can at least get somebody to feel sorry for you.

With boring you just get yawns. A complete matter of indifference. Which means no effort to improve things.

And that never results in things improving. Just more dullness. Works that in my city at least.

Maybe not others, but doesn't change much from my point of view. Just leads to lowered expectations.

Yeah, I don't find that appealing. And trusting for reprieve from people who are specialists in dull doesn't give much hope for improvement.

It does lead to things such as charades and board games, reorganization of one's sock drawer. Not heaven.

And let me tell you none of this in any way is excitement. Not will it ever become that in any way.

Which is find if you are incurable boring. Have a lot of those types in my city. And I wish I could give them a cure.

So far all I can do is my best to not catch the sickness. It can be hard. Too much of a risk that it will ruin my own sense of fun.

And I sure don't need that. Not when I have a heart beat. As for the others, well not sure on that part.

Sometimes I do wonder. Yeah, they appear to function and think, but life is kept at a level where being in a coma is not much different.

I don't think I care to join the group. And as long as I can remember fun is not about falling asleep, I will keep that thought.

Everyone else, well have fun with your pot lucks or whatever.


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