Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Prophesies bordering on the stupid. Advice that really never helps. Ah, the world of well intentioned, totally worthless advisors.

One thing the world doesn't lack is for opinions. That doesn't mean they are helpful or accurate.

But we sure do love to express ourselves. That is not something you need and education for acting on.

All you need is a mouth. Not even a working brain, just one that can make the lips move. Yep, so helpful.

I just wish this was that easy to accept. I mean in terms of it being profitable. That is with a dollar sign that you benefit from in some way.

Not cash directly, just you know some way that brings a plus sign to your life. And if a person is passing out slugs of thoughts, forget it.

That seems to be my main experience. Far too often I end up getting the know it all types who really know so little, if anything.

And the worse problem is that they end up continuing to offer their advice no matter how many times it fails. So the result is that you just get bored.

But it is hard to get mad at them. I mean after all they do have the best of intentions. Perhaps misdirected, but good ones just the same.

Now if they in any way happened to be right once, oooh forget it. Now they are a god. You can depend upon them to dole out the wisdom no matter how dumb it is.

And they will live off that reputation no matter who ridiculous it can get. Oh yeah they are really good at that part.

Now I do my best to try and not encourage them in the process. Oh that is definitely necessary.

Because any degree of encouragement will make them keep trying. Which gets really screwy since any discouragement they take as envy.

So basically once their brain gets bent in a given direction you can be sure it will stay that way. Forget the fact, just accept they will keep in a certain frame of thought.

As for me, well I smile and just totally go deaf to whatever they say. And that will always be a good choice.

Just can't tell them that. It only leads to lectures.


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