Monday, July 14, 2008


Ah such a wonderful invitation. A chance for some fun. Now wouldn't it be terrific if come and play meant what I wanted it to mean.

But then in real life that doesn't happen as much as we would like. Not that we wouldn't vote for it.

However there are no laws to make it happen. Pursuit of happiness may be in the constitution, but they don't send you to jail if you don't go after it.

Might be interesting if the did. Yeah, that would be such a crack up. Some cops pulling you over for having a frown.

Then reading you your rights. Like you need them to say you are guilty of being unhappy.

So they issue you a ticket for being dull and boring, which naturally has a happy face on it. And you end up going to clown school

Where they make you memories knock, knock jokes and see a group of comedies. Then you have to endure a pie in the face session.

Now those who pass are left with permanent smiles. They are allowed to reenter society as long they agree to conform to the rules of pleasure.

But naturally if they were too uncooperative they would have to be put on parole. Spend time under watch care for their behavior.

Then if that didn't work they would probably need some kind of correctional facility for their condition. And be subjected to regular sessions of happiness torture.

It might seem like cruel and unusual punishment to some, but that would be the only way to get them to behave. And we all could benefit from that option.

Those on parole would be expected to check in with their parole officers at the amusement park. Demonstrate their being rehabilitated.

Which I'm sure would be easy to do. No laughing or other forms of looking as if they were enjoying life and back to prison they would go.

See this is all part of a theory of mine. People who are unhappy are the source of most of life's problems.

That is because they are always trying to make the rest of the world sad. And that means any way possible.

Well I doubt I will get much cooperation on that part. Still I have the law waiting if and when I ever find a place to get it made legal. Till then it is to dream.


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