Saturday, June 14, 2008


Leave them hot under the collar and shaking with anger. A fine philosophy when talking about how to treat your enemies.

See I think how you treat your enemies is far more important than how you treat your friends. Nobody really needs that instruction.

So you get all kinds of advice on dealing with enemies. We're told things such as love thy neighbor as thyself. Well in this case I am talking about some neighbor you a hate.

So you are suppose to somehow be nice to the rat. With the logic being he will be nice back.

In my experience that never works that way. If a person gave you a reason to hate them they are not likely to improve with time.

All they are most likely to do is fine new ways to piss you off. And if they enjoy it, even more so.

As for the issue of forgiveness, well nice idea in theory. Hardly very realistic. At least as long as you figure the jerk is going to do it again.

But then this all comes down to some illusion that you can make it all better by some nice act. Forget revenge, don't ever think of getting even. Just figure a way to be nice.

WRONG! That is my view. The person that said this is something other than realistic. You let some jerk get away with stealing from you and he will do it again.

So what is the best approach then to dealing with an enemy? Well I recommend an approach that allows for pain without scars.

To inflict harm in a mental way that leaves no witnesses. This mainly harmful to the mind.

But if you work it right the person spends the whole time worried. And to then have no time to enjoy anything.

Isn't that glorious? I love it. And trust me this sure is fun. I savor every chance I get to give such grief.

Along the way I might get inspired to even find other ways to inflict a little sadness. And while they are worried is even better.

But that is all the joy of plotting an smiling. It is part of the good ole days that I love to reflect on.

Just a good smile when I can find it.


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