Friday, June 20, 2008


In a horse race this means something good if you bet right. And if you happen to take the time to even bet in the first place.

In life though it can be so different. See in the real world, where things are always fixed, the race is more an illusion.

So some old plug can actually win regardless of the facts or ability. And of course nobody really gets to vote either.

We just get the illusion that we do. Which really I do favor. It is such a joy to give people the myth that democracy works.

Only problem is that it works for the ones who make all the rules. Freedom by intent is still freedom, just for the few.

And from my view this is the natural order of things. I didn't say it was fair. But then not much in life is.

So it is more fun to keep it as a game. That way we can all get a smile or two in the process.

I mean why let guilt and all those other elements ruin your day? Let's live a little. Take off our shoes and party.

While we are at it, we can toss away the rule book. It is just for show anyway. Another illusion to create the fantasy that we will act fairly.

Of course when the mood strikes we actually love to be honest on this subject. Oh and naturally vent too.

But the truth is we don't change a thing. Just make it appear we want to. Still we all need our oats.

So you get them from the power feed store. We end up not exactly bothering to make it a priority.

Just pay our tab in blood and sweat. If we are clever it belongs to somebody else. That makes a difference.

They say no pain, no gain. But what is missing in that is the fact of whose pain? See they don't say it has to be your own.

Ah-so, you say? Well I do. And you can count on that being a fact for the future. Yep, I will always love this kind of race.

Providing I can cheat at get to the finish line first and without a photo finish too.


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