Thursday, November 15, 2007


I like this little detour in the day. Seeing someone smiling and sensing they are happy for a reason that might cause you grief.

Just my gut instinct you understand. Doesn't mean it is really that way. Merely how I choose to imagine it.

But then there are so many reasons to feel that way from my point of view. Honestly, it is part of the curse of being a crook. You assume everyone thinks that way.

Well the downside is that many do. Only they don't necessarily care to admit it. Me, well I have no problem with it.

It feels good to be able to know when my smile is the joy that comes from those special times when I did somebody wrong and got away with it. Oh yeah those really are great.

Only you have to be careful that others don't suspect the same thing. No, no, no, that will never do.

So you to come up with some lame reason for things to be regarded as decent. So I find a nice lie to make it all worthwhile.

That way the other person actually thinks this is a good thing. Which then gives me a break in terms of them not thinking I'm going to ruin their lives.

It is true that I fully intend to do just that. But I don't see any reason to let them think it is that way.

Course this only works with the ones that I have reamed so well and they honestly think nothing it wrong. If I screw up and they find out the truth then I'm dog poop.

Which is where they know I stink. Then you just can't come up with any type of deodorant to get rid of that smell.

All you can do is try to be sure they don't tell others. Which is really tough at time. But if you work it out right no problem.

Sometimes I manage that others I do not. It all becomes a guessing game at times. And let me tell you that really is not something that I savor as a joy if it doesn't work out.

Ah, it is a shame when live gets to complicated. But I don't know it can be fun too. Such is the times you cherish.

The ones you don't, well those you savor with a victory drink. And you keep drinking till it does feel like victory. At least this is how I celebrate whether it is a winner's cheer or otherwise.


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