Saturday, October 06, 2007


A very nice resolution from my view. In principle, you understand. More being a good thing in many cases. Providing you are talking about a more that doesn't make you puke.

Now that is critical. A very important detail to not to ignore. For more that makes you sick is not a good option.

Hopefully one does have the means to determine if a given more is a bad risk or not. Now you might think this is not difficult to accomplish, but believe me it is a lot harder than one might imagine.

Mainly, because greed makes one stupid. I don't know how else to define it. The more you crave from pure lust, the more it becomes an addiction.

And if it happens to be something that doesn't end up actually being safe or helpful then you might as well go out and sell all your possessions for a sign that says, will work for brains. Yeah, that kind of stupid.

Why? Mainly because if the thing we crave is not truly good for us, then we aren't as apt to see any rewards. But it doesn't mean we won't want it just the same. A case of moronic logic.

None of which actually enters the mind when you are ravenous for more. You just are hungry.

This does not avail itself to any reasonable dialogue of reason. We just expect more, some way or somehow.

And we never even qualify the type of more that is good or bad, just that is it more. Which is not a good way of approaching this.

That is where the then comes into play. You really need to be able to factor in if you do this, then this will happen.

A nice sane consideration for the right mind. Providing you are capable of being in the right mind.

And fewer are so gifted. They just are not able to factor in the sane part. It gets lost in the me, me, me part.

I know, because I have do it way too often myself. Not a pleasant confession. But true none the same.

I do admit I'm still working on learning my lesson. I haven't so far, but I'm proud to admit that I do accept my condition. Right up to the point I expect more and it is for something dumb.


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