Friday, October 05, 2007



I'm thinking with this about the time in a wedding when the preacher says the line about speak now or forever hold your peace. Like say it or keep your mouth shut and no complaining from now on.

Course I can't recall in any wedding were this comment ever drew any real comment. But the problem is that with a lot of weddings the marriage falls apart and the speaking ends up being some disaster later. The forever part sort of gets forgotten. Thank you very much.

I can think of anyone that doesn't know marriages aren't perfect. But that doesn't seem to prevent people from actually expecting them to be perfect. Oh yeah, that is like, marriages might suck, but mine is going to be different. It will last and I'll always be happy.

My spouse will always be faithful and I will have another day of feeling alone in my life. Doesn't it sound wonderful?

I know if reality worked that way it would be wonderful. Somehow things just don't work out as we hope.

That never discourages others from trying. Which is probably a good thing. At least in terms of the way some people view life.

You do need hope. Something to believe in. At least that seems to be important from what I can tell.

We just function better if we think there is a pot of gold for us to have. One where we can look forward to blessings.

So we fudge a little on the facts. The important thing is we keep dreaming. Yeah, come on let's grab for the clouds. Come on it is all fun.

I know it won't feel like clouds in the divorce court. But what the heck at least one moment of happy is worth it right.

It is to me. I don't know, just feels so much more like life when we do that. A much safer and happier world than the one where we live.

And it might even last for more that one day. That is really worth it from my point of view.

All part of the forever we keep trying to claim and that is truly a reason to smile. Maybe a reason to get excited, but you never can know for sure if you don't try.

Just smile and keep hoping. That always makes it worth while.


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