Saturday, May 12, 2007


For myself there is no such thing sweeter than ratting out someone you hate. Just makes me tingle all over at the idea.

But alas sometimes you have to rat out others too. Which can be a little painful, but heck when you have no choice you cope.

See the basic fact here is that there are times when you just have to do what you have to do. There is only one way to accomplish it, making sure somebody else takes the fall.

I know that sounds crappy, but honestly, the way I figure it, we all benefit in the process. It could be so insane have to upset the fragile fabric of local government if I was to allow myself to end up confessing everything I ever did wrong.

Plus, I know perfectly well, I am in partners with saints. Most would rat me out in a heartbeat if they could.

We just try to avoid that kind of risk. Or I should say I do. It can be tricky figuring that part out when you are messing with so many people who are by nature liars. Trust is definitely not a strong point in such situations.

So we always end up in a gentlemen's agreement. Which sounds great. Only not of us acts like a gentleman.

In any case when we shake hands it feels good to pretend we can trust each other. Course that doesn't in any way affect my awareness that they are most likely planning something kind of sneaky.

Which is why I prefer to rat them out first. But not before I make sure that I suck them dry of anything I can.

Yep, it sounds really selfish, but with my crowd it is one of those deals that everyone is involved with. So from my view there is no big deal in doing to them before they would do unto me.

Fortunately for me, I do manage to do unto them more than they do unto me. That definitely doesn't upset me. Oh I'm sure it pisses them off, but hey, fair is fair.

Okay, true it isn't necessarily fair, but I'm happy with the results. So far at least. I might change my mind down the road. If the result ever change.

For the time being my rule in these situations is better them than me. A find tradition that I honor in true respect for my Limburger family history. We have a long, if less that honorable past of double dealing.

And I wouldn't want to be disrespectful of my family now would I? Don't answer that.


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