Tuesday, May 15, 2007


This is sometimes such great advice. You just have to let some people do stupid things. And when they till you they are going to act on something that might cause you to panic, you just have to pretend it is okay.

Naturally in reality you are sitting there nearly crapping your pants. All you can think is, "oh god, I'm screwed now." You just can't tell them that.

Because obviously if there is the slightest hope they will change their mind you will ruin it if you dare to pretend you are worried. So you have to act like it is no big deal.

And you have to keep faking it till the person leaves you office. Then you panic all you want. And do it while picking up the phone to call for help.

Normally for me that means contacting my buddy Hugo Muckraker, ace reporter for the local newspaper. His services so often help me with these kinds of situations.

It is just a matter for me of making sure we figure out the best way to screw this jerk up. That is without him knowing about it.

Which is the tricky part. Timing is everything. You have to be so sure you don't mess up and let this person know you are plotting some revenge.

Because that is the biggest way to have them rat you out before you are ready to strike back. So sometimes you have to act like a real jerk to make them think they can control you with fear.

There are times naturally when you also have to get so creative. Like planning such a wonderful means of totally ruining the other person.

See, the problem with some people it isn't enough to just get revenge, you need to totally destroy the person. As harsh as it sounds, it really is a fact of life with some people.

All the time naturally you have to act like it is no big deal on your end. Even the fact of knowing about it can just give you motivation to not give up finding a way to be sure person doesn't do it again.

Ah, it is a silliness I suppose. But then so much in life is. Which is why I enjoy not pretending it has to make sense.

At least with my approach nobody gets depressed. That is the best part. For if you can at least get them to do other than act stupid on this threat thing, you have a hope you can spare yourself some grief.

Works for me at least. But there is little that doesn't in that regard. I feel so blessed as you can tell.


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