Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Now being the sagging pillar of restraint that I am, normally, this is not advice I ever say to anyone. Unless, it is to tell them to stop disturbing me with doing something stupid.

Outside of that I normally, don't bother with telling anyone they have to stop doing anything, especially that feels good. That works for some of the bible thumpers who want you to stop doing just about everything. Except for giving them money. Which they certainly never want to stop you doing and wish you would do even more.

Naturally, if you did it till you were broke, that would be perfect in their view. Then of course they would naturally want you to be sure you didn't do anything while broke except sit at home and thing good thoughts.

But enough about the la-la of fantasy boredom with some divine wrath hinted at by those who don't enjoy anything anyway. My interpretation you understand.

For the rest of us, my policy is go for it. Just don't bother me with it. I don't need details, or any other crap about you idea of fun.

But naturally, you do at times need to have to make allowance for those occasions when somebody has a reason to need to boast about something. Like if some guy happens to get lucky with some woman he thought was out of his league.

Now that I don't mind hearing about. Heck, I'll even want details. Including the woman's name and phone number for future reference.

What I don't need to hear about his somebody's vacation to some place totally boring. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't work for me when I have to look at pictures of somebody who visited a museum or a national park.

That is just me perhaps, but personally I don't need those details, for me that is utterly boring. And you can be sure no matter how much I act interested, I'm not in reality.

However, if you are talking about some place where you partied all night and ended up in the company of some woman you never met, then tell me more. I will be more than happy to listen.

Up to the point you start acting goofy. By that I mean you end up drifting off the good stuff in terms of starting to tell me about a good deal you got on a potted plant. Yeah, that will really hold my attention.

Fortunately, I do have the benefit of fabricating meetings when the time comes. Which with some people and their inability to take a hint happens every time we meet.

It is a little detail we just savor on my part without telling them. That way I save the grief of answering too many questions I prefer to not talk about.


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