Thursday, March 01, 2007


Ah, now this is so worth it when it happens. I just am thrilled when you can smile ear to ear over some success.

Oh true I would rather have money naturally. Or even the joy of revenge. But there is something to say about the moments when you feel warm all over and can only smile.

And naturally as fun as those moments are, they will never replace the joys of other situations. Just give you a reason to savor some moment of life that makes you go ahhh.

Pity there is no way to achieve a better balance in that regard. You know kind of have both. Have a reason to grin and also get big bucks too.

I mean I like to smile, but I don't mind the help of a few dollars along the way also. I hate to be so profit minded here, well okay down right selfish, but what's the point of pretending.

So for me, I try to find a certain balance. It isn't easy you understand. There are times when it is really a challenge.

And perhaps the biggest challenge is coming up with the best way to explain the grin other than the obvious. I don't know, but some people just really don't think grinning over somebody's misery as a good thing.

In the wrong situation, they can even get down right upset. And if you do it at the wrong time, whoa, we're talking big trouble.

Which is why naturally you have to have a back up group of really believable lies. The key to that part is of course looking sincere. Nobody is likely to believe you if you are snickering at the time.

For me that is just a matter of practice. Oh I have a whole list of ways to look sincere without actually being so.

I just can't exactly boast on that subject either. Wish I could. Shoot I wish I could write a book.

You just can't do that without risking the wrong people reading it. I had even thought of say using a pen name. But then that doesn't work either.

For you can't have big sales for that kind of book unless you can site your experience. That would be such a dead give away.

The fun part is keeping all that clear in my head when feeling the need to grin. Unless I happen to be by myself. Then it is no problem. Providing nobody comes in and wonders why I'm smiling. As long as I have both hands visible, it is easy to lie about the reason.


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