Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I truly wonder at times how marvelous it would be if wishing wells were full of the power to make wishes come true. There might have to be you know some guidelines in terms of what wishes were granted to be reality, but I imagine we could manage a few guidelines that we could live with.

Of course as a Mayor I can't help letting my mind wander to the issues of things like governing magic. Well somebody would have to do it. And tax it too. After all you just couldn't let people run around having the dreams come true and be happy. That would never do.

If we allowed that people would always live in hope. That would simply be unacceptable you know.

Just think how much harder us politicians would have to work at lying if people were already happy? And add the possibility of them getting what they want out of life, oh the very idea makes me shiver.

You just can't have that and expect politicians to be able to make some decent promises to them. What on earth are you going to improve when people are content? I perish to imagine the risk.

And naturally one does have to concern oneself with the subject of pennies. Yes, we would have to definitely regulate them.

Otherwise people might be trying to counterfeit them. And before you know it we would have utter penny chaos.

Why that could lead to penny riots and horrible incidents at places like penny arcades. That would not be something I want to contemplate.

Fortunately we do live in the real world. Not one that I feel is perfect. Which at times I'm very grateful isn't.

Still, I think if I could find a decent wizard and work out the right arrangements I could possibly make this whole doable. That might be worth a shot under those circumstances.

For now, pennies are save and wishes remain wishes. Which works out great since I don't have to lie any more than I already do.

Then perhaps in the wish package I could wish for the ability to lie better. Guess that would be a plus.

Ah it is to dream. So joyful, so thrilling. And sometimes it even has a smile. Mainly when I figure a new way to help you not remember how much your life actually sucks. Wishes don't always have to be about good things you know.


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