Saturday, February 24, 2007


Yep, this is a wonderful philosophy. If you can figure a way to rip somebody off without getting caught, you figure a way to borrow what you need without paying for it.

Admittedly you do have the problem of making sure you plan this so it doesn't intrude on anyone else finding it out. That can ruin all the fun and maybe won't let you win the game.

This is after all a game. For me it is. One that falls under the category of I blew it, don't want to admit it and then figure a way to not have to face the consequences of my blunder.

There are rules naturally. Such rules as never allow guilt to keep you from winning the game. That is a major rule I refuse to break. Guilt just ruins the fun.

Which then brings to the important element of not giving in to the idea of charity. In other words, don't think for a second you can take too much. Thinking in those terms will simply interfere with a good game strategy.

This is of course more like a pursuit of happiness that is for bonus points and a championship round. No trophies you understand, but a nice prize if you work it right.

About the only drawback is having to not let the world know when you have won. Bragging rights are a major liability. Cheating is definitely an essential you understand.

This is after all a game that must be one or it isn't fun. You can't feel good about it or line your pocket otherwise. Wish it were different, but it is one of those dreaded realities.

The way I figure it, this is a matter of above all maintaining a certain level of public trust. Alright you can smirk when I say that, but it is reality.

See what happens if the public finds out what total screw up they elected. They feel bad, I feel bad and in the end, nobody gains. So if I manage to help them to avoid having to come to that point then it is a good thing.

Along the way if I have to subsidize the process by asking for a few volunteers to contribute of their resources in order to maintain the illusion of competent government, that only seems far. I just don't try to make them aware that is the situation.

It is one of those things that just that to be savored without the need to let it be shouted about. Which is the last rule. Never let one's ego get in the way of one's brain

Many a would be victor has lost his chance at victory through such means. You can't be a player who wears the crown if you end up being kicked out of the game.

And while you are pondering that, I'm going to go and check out the cheerleaders. There is always more than one way to score in this game.


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