Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I love when you get to do this with something you are proud of. Oh yeah, it just makes me tingle all over to think of flashing something worthwhile. Just gives me all the thrills in the world.

However, if you are talking about putting something on display that shouts, "Hey look at what this clown did," well that doesn't thrill at all. As a matter of fact those are the types of on display that I have to stay up at night and avoid thinking about. That can end up being so stressful. The level two kind of stress that no amount of booze can kill off.

Yeah, that kind of stress and nobody needs it. At least it would be wonderful if you never had to sweat worrying about it. But that isn't very likely.

Which is my other gripe. How come we got more people who want to put the crap on display than the beauty? I mean fertilizer is only really helpful is sooner or later you get something like a garden to bloom.

Just being stuck with that smell don't cut it in my book. Nope, I'll pass on that option. It just isn't worth thinking about as far as I'm concern.

Which is of course my way of saying that complaining that never improves anything just plain stinks. And if the person decides to put on display in a way that makes you stink that can be even worse.

But then it is too bad that some seem to thrive on such things. I doubt you will ever correct that problem though. Kind of hard to figure a way to only get people to get with the idea of making the right choices though.

In any case I guess my strategy for my part is to avoid being put on display for bad things while taking credit for the good ones. And even if I had nothing to do with the good being on display I don't claiming credit.

That is the nice thing. If you work it right then the only time you have to worry is when you don't figure a way to be sure the only on display to come your way is a good one.

More than one person has managed to mess up in that regard. And when you do it always ends up being on display somewhere. Not the kind of press that leaves you wanting to take a bow.

But then life is like that at times. We do have to take the good with the bad. Not that we like it that way, but sometimes we don't have a choice.

My way at least keeps that problem to a minimum when you can. And if not, well you do what you can to lie about it.

That is the joy, if not the dream. Perhaps just the option we all imagine just the same.


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