Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Ah, nostalgia is such a marvelous thing. It is so wonderful to sit and dream of the old good days. Even it they really sucked, we still love lying about it.

And who can't be a tad wishful about wanting to bring back to life something that was truly memorable and ended up instinct by progress? It is only naturally when thinking in fond terms about whatever to wish it was something you could resurrect.

I guess it is good that we can't do that. Memories are often so much better than reality. Which is only natural from my point of view.

It is hard though to recall every detail of a given fragment of memory. We can manage to overlook some details.

Then if and when we actually manage on some level to give life to what was dead, do we learn the truth. Which is that life sucks and the things that time made us think were perfect, weren't.

And you know what? No matter how many times we accept that or suffer from such efforts to be life to the past, we still keep trying.

Why? Because we are convince the next time it will work. Yep, no matter the failures, dog gone it, tomorrow will be different.

And by golly, I salute such optimism and industry. Yep, we should be darn proud that we are such suckers for hoping that past will be even better if we try it a second time.

This is to me the fundamental element of our basic nature. We love to dream. And that is a good thing.

Providing we remember it is a dream. Making reality out of fantasy can really be so hard. It can just rivet us with frustration.

Which is why I love when you can be extra creative with how you change fantasy into reality. That is the part that really counts.

It isn't the dream, it is that saggy model of clay we call a vase that matters. Oh yeah, it is lovely. Okay, it looks like crap, but you know if you squint just right, ah, a masterpiece.

So here's to masterpieces one and all. The ones that are real and the ones we invent. Hopefully, they will both become something we can enjoy.

And if along the way it flops, well there is always tomorrow when today will be the past and we can invent new lies about it. That is the one nice thing about time, we can always erase the present with the right amount of squinting. Along with the perfect amount of pretending.


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