Sunday, February 04, 2007


You ever see those pieces of soap made in the shape of whatever and then hung on a rope to put in the shower? They're kind of clever. And I guess very popular in some places, but not sure where.

Which gave me sort of an inspiration. Well at least the idea of a way to make a buck and that I call inspiration.

So my idea is why not make the soap into an image that could embody hope. That seemed like it would be a nice thing to get all soapy about in the shower.

I think a shower is after all a very important place for looking at the world with hope on your brain. After all why would you go to all the trouble to get all clean if you didn't expect things to get better than they are? It is kind of an act of faith if you will. Just an effort of sorts to say in our own modest way, "hey, things are going to be already and I want to be clean in order to face them."

Okay, perhaps some might think I'm making more of this than it deserves. I don't know, it just seems like any time you can find a reason to be happy or positive that is a good thing.

And if you can do it while washing you cute little body then isn't that a good thing too? So come on, let's give this idea some merit. We can do it. Yeah, soap for a smile, that's as good a name as any if you ask me, which you probably aren't going to.

To even add to the joy, one could make this soap in different scents and colors along with images. Oh I know they already do this to some degree, but I'm talking a big time choice of alternatives.

Perhaps a special hope on a soap order kit. Where you could mail away you request for whatever form you think would appeal to you the most.

Then you would have the joy of waiting for it to arrive. Afterwards, stroll off to shower land with your little hope on a rope for a few minutes of watery heaven. Hey, I think that has potential as a slogan or ad.

Maybe I'll invest some time in tinkering with a possible catalogue. And then I can also come up with a really good title.

I'm thinking that a nice title would be "Rash's Hand Jobs." Er, that's just off the top of my head you understand.

But the nice thing, just like life, it all comes out in the wash so to speak. At least I got the idea started. Now all I have to do is wait for the right inspiration to come along to turn this idea into a gold mine. Hopefully it won't end up another vacuum that sucks me of money. Alas, the risks of dreaming are always the same.


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