Saturday, February 03, 2007


Have you ever said this and naturally were really serious about even caring if it was a shame? I know I have.

Normally, this happens to me with problems I hear about, but could care less about. However, I can tell the person who is letting me know that is how I feel.

I might be an insensitive creep, but it doesn't mean I enjoy telling others that. I do have an image to maintain even if it isn't my real image.

In reality, even though I am a Mayor, I can fix a lot of problems. That doesn't keep people from thinking otherwise.

So that means I have to deal with a steady stream of whiners who are mad at the world and want justice. Of course most of the time I can do absolutely nothing to give them justice.

That is one of the problems, which is hard for some people to understand. They get really pissed off about something they feel is illegal and yet in the gray muck called the law, some things just simply aren't wrongs you can prosecute.

So you have people who think a given injustice is a crime. And since they have never dealt with that issue before, they have no clue that there is no way the cops are going to even take a report on the wrong.

When that happens they will come and knock on my door. Like I can in some way rewrite the law while they wait to be sure they get what they want.

Oh yeah that is going to happen. Just try explaining to them though. They don't want to hear any facts that end up with any answer other than them being told I can fix their problem.

Well, it all makes for a few good yawns. Not big ones you understand, just enough to help ease me into a nice nap after the person leaves.

Ah, it is a shame. I mean that I have to wait till the person leaves before I get around to napping.

I did try that once when the person was still in my office. Trust me I learned not to do that again.

And I am grateful for how life does move on. Maybe some day I'll even manage to reach a point where I can avoid these kinds of conversations altogether.

No doubt not while I am Mayor. That would be too much to hope for. Which is one of those ain't it a shame situations I have to live with, but nobody says I have to like it.


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