Thursday, February 22, 2007


I've been working on this theory lately that people are sometimes possessed by a force that is totally sick and demented. And naturally the person never suspects a thing.

You can see them every day for months or years and they seem normal enough. Then one day they just act totally insane. So it like they are strangers.

I figure, in my usual style of wanting to blame everything on everything else, that this is no doubt the evil work of somebody. I imagine it would be the ones we call the "they." Yeah, you know those jerks who hide in the shadows and are secretly to blame for everything that is wrong.

I can't say I really mind though. I'm more jealous. All I want to do is sign up to join the club. Oh I do have fun from time to time doing what I can to turn people nuts. But I just don't feel I'm the master of this process as much as I wished I could be.

Of course it isn't like this wonderful and mysterious group are looking for new members. Nor do they advertise where you get to go in order to apply for membership.

So, despite my lusts and passions on the subject, I'm just basically a victim of the usual fate related aspects of fortune. At least that is the way I love to look at it. After all you just have to know the right person or force to see as the cause for that problem too.

Anyway, on the whole issue of strangers you thought you knew, this is one part of dealing with people that I never enjoy. I might if I had more control over it, but I don't.

Believe me I sure won't mind figuring out that solution. I had thought of the one approach. Which is to get rid of everyone who turns out to be a nut or ogre.

The problem is that if I made that kind of rule up and happen to get to work before my morning coffee, I might have to get rid of myself. I'm not going to do that.

Of course I do have the other ways I can try to balance out the problem of people who turn out to be strangers. I start by putting tranquilizers in the water supply.

Sometimes it does help. But then there was that time I accidentally misread the name on the bottle. Using laxative did help to some degree. When people constantly rushing to the bathroom it did keep things quiet for a while.

Meanwhile, I'm still exploring my options. Oh yeah, this is the big fun in my day. I can fantasize about a perfect world with no idiots. And nobody who goes insane to become some stranger either.

Well it is my dream and I can wish it if I want to. After all, what fun would life be like if you didn't have a chance to wish that everyday was one where you only could smile. I will not mention how I see certain people in order to keep that smile.


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