Thursday, February 01, 2007


Ah, there really is such a joy to have that panic flowing through the veins and know how time is working against you. It just really makes the heart pound with anticipation over the lust of getting something for nothing or a real bargain in terms of a sale.

To me this just makes me extra jealous. Because I don't have the option of one day sales as a Mayor. I wish I could.

Oh I suppose I could sell off or perhaps I should say rent some part of the city. Maybe a few employees, but in terms of some major once in a lifetime deals, forget it.

Which brings me to the wonderful issue of what if government could operate like a business. You know have a few moonlight sales in terms of corruption.

Just come on down to the local city hall folks about midnight and we'll strike a deal. And for the first fifty customers we'll toss in a get out of jail free card or a life time supply of parking tickets fixed. Now I call that a real bargain.

But do you think people would embrace that kind of liberal thinking in government? I have a feeling too many would say no. Which is a shame, because I already have a price list printed up just for such occasions.

However, so far I have been unable to use this list. And that grieves me to know end whenever I see an ad about some big sale. I just keep thinking, gee how come I can't get a chance to do the same with the government.

I really think a rent a bureaucrat wheel deal would have lots of appeal. Honestly, we are always griping about way the government works or fails to work.

So why not stop pretending it will ever get better? Come on folks, let's live a little. Let's take that sack of money have a nice auction. With every politician being for sale for the highest bidder.

Darn, I guess we already have those option don't we? Well, perhaps we need a way to give the poor working man an option.

Which would occur with bargain bribe night. That has such a nice ring to it if you ask me. Ah, it would be so glorious from my point of view.

Imagine the possibilities? For a nice competitive bid you could be king for a moment. Perhaps long enough to really do something fun.

And if not, well you could certainly manage to sneak off with some government secrets and sell them back for a reasonable fee. Bet you didn't think of that option did you.

But I suppose it is all to dream. And who knows, maybe one of these days people will actually be willing to give it a try. Judging by the find job the government has been doing, I can appreciate how it might happen sooner than later. It is to dream.


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