Friday, February 02, 2007


Passing seems to me to be something that has different meanings in one's life. There is the passing that comes from passing tests. Then there is the type of passing where you pass a kidney stone. Ouch! Or perhaps it is whew!

Be that as it may, the most popular type perhaps is passing in your car. And we even accommodate such drivers by making a special lane just to give them a chance to whiz by.

It is a pity we don't make lanes for other kinds of passing. Why? Well why not? I don't know, perhaps so we could define what genuinely qualifies as passing.

I know you are probably shaking your head and wondering what kind of stupid subject this is for a posting? Well, let me remind you my friend, you are the one reading it, so what does that say for you? Huh, huh, huh?

Okay perhaps that really is more than anything at the core of my thinking on this. We need to allow for so many types of possibilities on so many different levels in life. Because regardless of how absurd something my seem to you or me, to somebody it is probably life or death.

Now I know you are probably going to question how having a host of passing lanes for anything imaginable really counts? I can appreciate you response, but again do you or can you savor every morsel of thought for the rest of the world? I didn't think so.

Which is why I want you to leave it to your old Uncle Rash to guide you to the greater awareness of pure freedom. A genuine celebration of individuality that is expressed through the perfect euphoria of being.

All of which is my way of saying sometimes you just have to allow for crap if you expect to get anywhere. Ah-hah, that is passing.

Now you see what you would have missed if you didn't embrace the higher level of thoughts? Well okay, perhaps dementia doesn't necessarily qualify in your mind as a form of passing lane.

Okay, be nit-picky and see if I care. Because, well I probably don't and I know you probably don't either. Which is why we all understand that true freedom is simply more than anything about not giving a crap about anything.

Er, kind of sort of I suppose. Well close enough to work for me. I didn't say it necessarily would work for you, but ain't it wonderful when it does?

At least you can smile and say you get it even if you don't. We all have the right to be stupid and pass on anything we want, even passing lanes. Everybody got that? I thought not!


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