Monday, January 29, 2007


There is an old saying about the best laid plans. Which has to do with the idea I think that no matter how well you plan something it doesn't mean things will always work out the way you expect.

That is because of the little pain in the butt reality called circumstance. Now there are some plans that do lend themselves easier to success than others. Such as making a plan to go to the store and buy groceries. Normally that kind of plan has reasonable chance of success.

On the other hand, let us suppose your plan involves something more ambitious such as conquering the world. Outside of being far more complicated there just are so many things in such situations that you can't honestly control.

Which is probably a good thing that such plans are so complicated because so far it appears that no one has come up with a perfect plan. Thus we have been spared being controlled by some evil person who wants us for his slaves. After all you know the person just has to be evil since nobody ever wants to take over the world for good reasons.

At least I've not known of anyone so far that wanted to invade and commit wholesale slaughter of others for the specific purpose of improving life in the world. I just think seeing a tank coming your way that was blowing up everything own and had a loud speaker broadcasting "I'm here to help you," would lack a little credibility.

But alas I do digress. The point of my little rambling is to emphasize that planning does have its merits, but you do have to be realistic.

And naturally when you plan something and blow it then you have to replan. Which is a way of saying, I was totally stupid and didn't know what I was doing.

We never admit that part though. It would be too, um lacking in confidence. And if we didn't ooze with confidence as politicians then nobody is going to take us serious.

However, in reality there are plenty of times when we aren't confident. So in order to avoid the obvious we lie.

Yep, a good lie is far better than admitting I have no idea what I'm doing. And frankly it is far more in keeping with the basic nature of how politics and life is suppose to work.

I didn't say there weren't better methods for dealing with problems. Just that those would require honesty and truth. And there just isn't any room in my opinion in the world of politics for those types of values. Okay, that is Rash's rules. Hey, whatever allows us to use a plan that is broken and not have to use it again is something I vote for.

Come to think of it when it comes to deception I pretty much vote for anything. Which I don't even have to plan either.


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