Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I think repairing things is always better than replacing them if you can actually repair them. Only in some cases, there are items that are just plain worn out and so the most logical thing you can do is toss them away and buy a new whatever.

I appreciate how that is nothing new in terms of philosophy. I'm sure lots of people feel that way. So how come we manage to cling to so much crap that we will never repair or ever use again?

Now come on and be honest. There are way too many of us that have some closet or storage unit full of junk we will never use in any way.

Do we part with it? Nope. And why not? Because the yearbook from High School or college textbook might come in handy someday. Yeah, right.

Let's face it we are often pack rats. We keep all kinds of stuff we don't need and naturally when something we like is broken, we are always quick to toss it even if it is beyond repair.

In a way I see the merit of this approach. After all if we weren't sentimental to some degree then it is hard to say where it would end.

It might seem rather absurd, but honestly, couldn't we easily bring ourselves to decide that old granny is too worn out and not repairable so it is time to recycle. You know see how much we can get for her organs and well, you get the idea.

Ah, I can sense the mouths dropping open as I speak. I'm only speaking of the fact that this might be our attitude if it weren't for our obsession with hording junk. So granny can wipe off her brow and doesn't have to hide her walker for fear she'll be toss out for being other than useful.

On the flip side, however, I think we do have to confess that when it comes to people in positions of power we often keep them in power even when they are in need of serious repair. This is the part that should be changed, but I doubt it will.

Instead what happens is that we never quite toss old granny onto the trash heap, but we do farm her out to some old folks home were she is out of sight. Meanwhile, we will keep some old geezer who can remember what day it is continuing to make critical decisions.

Yep, it all makes sense to me. Basically, if you wanted to honestly face the truth we could all benefit from some form of repair to our thinking. I don't imagine that is gong to happen though.

It is just too much fun clinging to the trash and pretending we care. That makes it all okay no matter how stupid it is in reality. I'm proud of you for without that approach I'm sure I would have been voted out of office years ago.


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