Sunday, January 07, 2007


I always love hearing those people banter around about plots, plans and other such dribble where somebody who is faceless, nameless and otherwise invisible is the villain. This "imaginary" villain naturally never appears and you can even proof the individual exists. But in the mind of that person the individual is responsible for everything wrong in life.

Now as I see it, who cares? I mean come on isn't it silly to fret over something you can't prove or change? See even if tomorrow the alleged 'they' were to make themselves known would it really matter? What are we going to do, take away their power? I don't think so.

Which is why I don't waste time in that effort. I'm not saying there isn't any such dreaded powers out there. Personally, I wish I knew where to locate them. I would love to apply for membership. Yeah, I'm that kind of guy.

So in my case, I don't want to get rid of them, I want to sign up to be one of their group. Hmmm, I wonder if they have a good dental plan? Well, I doubt I'll ever get a chance to find out.

If there is one thing I do know about people with that kind of power is that they aren't looking for buddies. Slaves perhaps, but never buddies. Oh you could probably have a shot at say jester or lackey, but you are definitely not going to go out to lunch with them or sleep with their sister. Yeah, those things go together in my thinking. No, sneers please.

Well, the joy of all of this for me is letting the people who think they are so perceptive and smart continue to vent on this subject. If it makes them feel better to pretend they are superior because they know about the they then find.

And I will even grant them the option of being a drone to some corporation for whatever pittance they are getting paid. Why, I'll even be happy to let them tell all the lies they want about being in control too.

From my view it is all a wonderful and fun game. Only problem is that there aren't any winners. That is because the real champions are all staying out of the limelight. They keep their crowns in vaults and spend most of their time sitting around drinking and laughing at the rest of us.

Yeah, that's reality. I didn't say we had to enjoy it. I just suggest we should play the game to whatever level works for us.

And if we have to cheat in order to have and illusion of victory, then by all means lie your little butt off. Then we can all head over to the bar for a nice big glass of denial and some pretzels. Oh and booze of course. For nothing goes better with a fresh hot plate of denial than a few cocktails.


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