Monday, November 27, 2006


Oh yeah, this is real important. But that is if you don't limit yourself to the kind of honey that comes from bees. That is a good taste to be sure, yet there is more.

What we are talking about here is something that is pleasing to the pallet. Not just the appetite and mouth, but a whole lot more. Just basically that which makes you smile and feel good. Only the key is without the risk of being stung. That is one thing you want to avoid.

Some people might presume that honey that isn't from bees doesn't carry the risk of being stung. Well, my friend, you can think that if you want, but you know, all honey comes from some hive.

And you can have a hive without a risk of being stung. It is as simple as that. From my point of view a hive is any place that produces honey. No matter what kind you are talking about, you are going to have a place it is made.

That place, wherever it is will have bees pal. Maybe not the kind that look like a regular bee, but they will be the kind that can sting.

Okay, let me get to one of my favorite types of honey. I'm talking about the kind that is green and paper. Yep, money can be a form of honey. Even more so because they do rhyme.

Nor in order for money to be honey it has to sweeten your life. So it can't be from things like work where it just goes to pay the bills. That is bland and not all that sweet.

We're talking about the kind of bucks that you don't have to tell Uncle Sam about or should I say you wouldn't tell him about. The kind that you get to spend on doing things that make you feel happy all over. Now that is real honey in my book.

My book in that sense is a cook book. It contains recipes for ways to rip off others and not get caught. Then you just hide that honey somewhere than you can snack on when nobody is looking.

Well, there are all kinds of other great forms of honey I suppose. Some you can talk about, some you can't. The ones you can talk about involve bees with badges.

Their sting is really painful. It normally is the type that you end up having to life with for several years and only get over from probation.

In any case I'm happy to do plenty of looking for honey that fits my wallet. And it is only sticky when you are sure nobody comes along to try and take it away.

I'm happy with that kind of taste. It gives me a reason to smile at times when I think those hives are out there in so many wonderful places. I just can mention all of them since I don't plan on sharing.


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